Mechanics are too granular and complex for what little content exists.
For example, ranged attacks have you hold a button to activate it, then move your cursor tile-by-tile to reach your intended target.
Except the game isn't turn-based, so your enemy will have zoomed across the map in a zigzag pattern and gutted you before you line up a shot.
Enemies move at about 3x the speed of the player, and there's plenty of weapon-types and special attacks, but all of them are worthless because combat doesn't really seem viable against anything other than rats.
Every combat encounter has you vastly outnumbered by much faster enemies who can dodge in and out of your hit-range while striking you with impunity, even if you max your combat stats, you do about 1% of an average enemy's hp per swing (and they do about 30% of yours, minimum) most of the items/weapons are bad or medicore and any of the potentially good ones are locked behind a perk that locks you out of some of the game's sparse sexual content.
Speaking of which as far as I can tell, none of the sexual content is played for actual sex appeal.
The whole thrust of the game is grimy dirty filth. And not even in the fun way where 'filth' is code for sex.
It's all just shit and piss and blood and vomit.
I was tricked by the huge amount of high-score reviews on this game, and decided to just 'put up with' the game being unentertaining and unsexy until it 'got to the good part' but it never actually does.
And then I walked into a building in the centre of the main hub-area and got instantly forcibly railroaded into a scene where a huge burly guy got fucked in the ass by another huge burly guy in the ass and I realized that this was going to be the whole game.
Porn-tropes twisted into as un-sexy a form as the developer can manage then thrown in your face for shock-value.
0/10, genuinely not worth your time.
Edit: And no, the game isn't 'difficult', it's just bad.
For example, ranged attacks have you hold a button to activate it, then move your cursor tile-by-tile to reach your intended target.
Except the game isn't turn-based, so your enemy will have zoomed across the map in a zigzag pattern and gutted you before you line up a shot.
Enemies move at about 3x the speed of the player, and there's plenty of weapon-types and special attacks, but all of them are worthless because combat doesn't really seem viable against anything other than rats.
Every combat encounter has you vastly outnumbered by much faster enemies who can dodge in and out of your hit-range while striking you with impunity, even if you max your combat stats, you do about 1% of an average enemy's hp per swing (and they do about 30% of yours, minimum) most of the items/weapons are bad or medicore and any of the potentially good ones are locked behind a perk that locks you out of some of the game's sparse sexual content.
Speaking of which as far as I can tell, none of the sexual content is played for actual sex appeal.
The whole thrust of the game is grimy dirty filth. And not even in the fun way where 'filth' is code for sex.
It's all just shit and piss and blood and vomit.
I was tricked by the huge amount of high-score reviews on this game, and decided to just 'put up with' the game being unentertaining and unsexy until it 'got to the good part' but it never actually does.
And then I walked into a building in the centre of the main hub-area and got instantly forcibly railroaded into a scene where a huge burly guy got fucked in the ass by another huge burly guy in the ass and I realized that this was going to be the whole game.
Porn-tropes twisted into as un-sexy a form as the developer can manage then thrown in your face for shock-value.
0/10, genuinely not worth your time.
Edit: And no, the game isn't 'difficult', it's just bad.