RPGM - Completed - Lonely JK Wants to Expose Herself Anonymously Online and go Viral [v1.00] [スマンコフ]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    I liked this game quite a lot as it is centered on exhibitionism. It has quite some bugs though, so maybe you'll lock yourself out of 100%.

    The content is good, the idea is excellent. It's a shame that the story is centered around 3-turns missions instead of developing other characters, which would have made the whole thing more interesting.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    If I, an all-forgiving exhibitionism fan, finds this boring, you will. There really isn't much to do, and the gameplay is extremely boring.

    It has everything I like - exhibitionism, an SNS sub-genre, lewd selfies, but despite all that it really isn't clicking of me. It's just really boring. I should have just read a doujin or something.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    This is the type of game that could be very good, but only gets an OK. There was a lack of politeness in his mechanics, he talked about accessories and situations. Regardless of the map you are on, the gameplay doesn't change at all, the game doesn't become more difficult... The clothes you wear should make the game more difficult, but they don't change anything, the fact that you become more famous on the internet doesn't change anything either... It's a cool game for the first 30 minutes, but then it's just repetition...
  4. 3.00 star(s)



    Not even rarity or personal fondness towards Dynamic control exhibitionism games can raise the score to more than "Okay".

    Maybe it’s the porting (for some issues), maybe its lack of testing or attention:
    • the number values of the gauge bars get obstructed by said gauge bars;
    • certain actions don't lower values (as thematically and balance wise should) and instead increase them;
    • actions can (and in a min-max way should) be spammed;
    • there's a lot of urination that is a niche enough fetish to consider a toggle setting;
    • amounts of money received daily are weird;
    • the interest of sharpie marks and comments are lost;
    • skill unlocking is very straight-forward, linking often barely or entirely unrelated "skills";
    • selfie photo is random, rather than based on player made customizations;
    • there are items that conflict with each other (force a choice) for no reason;
    • clothes lift and expose options are usually the same;
    • area missions don't matter;
    • area events unclear (what type- secret, caught, assaulted).
    It’s still a good (okay) game, just lacks polish and more interesting content.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    It's pretty okay.
    I wish there were more options and different/varied scenes. The game is in RPGM so it's not like I was expecting a masterpiece, but there are many other exhibitionist games on the site that are way more intricate imo.

    You play as Miu, she's super lonely and wants attention - even if that means getting it in a weird way. You have 2 optional missions to do in each stage. Pick your outfit before heading out and it kind of dictates on how risky you wanna play. As you progress and post more selfies, you eventually sell them for money and even unlock new areas to go to, as well as their daytime versions for even riskier plays. You also spend money buying new outfits and accessories.

    Theres like 4-8 locations iirc. It's just a total of like 3-4 scenes played on repeat, with each having Miu act more corrupt and corrupt and she gets more experience. You can speed through this game by forcing her to piss and wet herself everywhere, so it's not too much of a grind. I do think it's a little annoying that events are locked on a day by day basis to each of the locations.

    Anywho, 3/5, it's good for like 1-2 hour play I guess. Not jaw-droppingly good, but very decent nonetheless.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    It's pretty decent, expose the girl, win prizes. Make her a wanton slut or a virgin exhibitionist.

    You walk around avoiding detection (unless u want her to get raped) exposing her to fill some gauges, once the gauges are filled u either go home and research new abilities for points or buy new stuff for mones that u get from posting selfies on twatter. Rinse and repeat.