HTML - Abandoned - Long Distance Relationship [v0.0.1] [OppDaGoat]

  1. 3.00 star(s)

    Rex Blue

    Long Distance Relationship is a text game with a few AI cg images following a happy couple newly dealing with the above.

    It works hard on its presentation with the phone display, but also shoots itself in the foot extremely hard through the same. Each text message takes a second or two to display and since there are a lot of texts, even multiple in a row, over half my play time was waiting for texts to display. I get that it might feel more phone-like, but it's just a pain in the ass.

    The game is implying an ntr (or at least swinging) or exhibitionism focus, but there's very little as of yet. It might be interesting, but it's hard to make a judgement with such little content as of yet.

    Otherwise, it's very slice of life-y without a whole lot of real content. There's very little character development and less story direction. The images are decent enough, but they're few and far between compared to the text. It's hard to make any sweeping generalizations with so little content, but it's safe to say Long Distance Relationship has a long way to go.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Good demo! i enjoyed the art and the writing, very simple and effective gameplay for this kind of tag, and it has two routes for the ones that arent only on the NTS tag only. Will be waiting future updates.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Good potential. UI is quite decent (needs hotkey support and just fine tuning in general, like not making the "skip to next" button so small), art is quite great overall, H content is plentiful, writing is actually quite realistic in imitating texts and characters are fairly believable. It's far from perfect but it's FAR better than most projects in their infancy.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    Reviewing Version 0.0.1
    It's a tentative 2.5, where it should've been a 2, but early ratings can kill momentum a project might need, so I'm keeping it a rounded 3.

    It's one of those clear cases where it's truly truly truly a ghost version and it's always hard to judge these projects on ALMOST nothing. So keep in mind this can turn out great or trash. We'll see.

    Kinetic basically, you interact with the story and the characters via phone messages and currently there's only one truly meaningful choice present so far and that choice either leads to nothing, for the cuckold path or one CG for the exhibitionist path.

    One caveat is that the characters "text" like illiterate 16 year olds.
    "Good morning"
    "How are you?"
    And this forces you to click mindlessly for text that has no significance, when it could've been a "Hey, good morning. How are you doing?"

    There is barely anything in place to judge, but beware being "baited" by the exhibitionist path, the MC is a cuck from moment one and even though you select the exhibitionist path later, you will still get thrown cuck jokes your way.
    Your girlfriend will tease you. Your best man will tease you about nudes of your girlfriend. All before the first choice.

    The english is perfectly understandable, but barebones, and the grammar misses the mark on some phrases, which is a shame given that it's a... text based game.

    It's AI, and as I say with AI, it's neither bad, or good. Expect minor inconsistencies between breast size and facial features, but the few ingame seem to be relatively consistent.