Ren'Py - Completed - Long Live the Princess [v1.0.1] [Belle]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    I had a great time with this. I think the premise, the game mechanics and all the characters are very enjoyable. I wish I could get Belle to shut up sometimes though :LOL: Solid renders with okay animation. Pretty good variation with the girls, and I'm having a hard time choosing a favorite - which is a plus!

    What brings down my score from a 5 to 4 is simply subjective on my end... The MCs thoughts are way to long at times for my taste, and I wished the epilogue showed us a little bit more of our chosen romantic partner(s).

    Highly recommend anyone to give this a try - great game!
    Likes: Belle
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Long Live the Princess is a high quality 3dcg erotic game with many alluring sexual interactions. The characters are carefully rendered and have compelling backgrounds, leading to many a playful situations that are truly enticing. The storyline is solid. I love the fantasy middle age theme with which magic and magical creatures bring great intrigue. The game plays well. No bugs or glitches during my playthrough.
    It is quite rare to have found a game with such high quality. I finished the game without any difficulties. If anything, I find the game a bit hard. I was kind of fooling around during the intial stage. As a result, I was no where near powerful to escort the princess. That was a small bummer for me. I can't wait to play this game all over again.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    This review was written after completing the game 100%, including with all scenes and achievements unlocked. The story of this game grabbed me right away given the period in which it is set and I really enjoyed following every single path available, well structured and full of insights. Its originality stands out given that for the moment I have not known other games like this. The renderings are fabulous, from the characters to the surrounding environment, an excellent quality for the game so much so that you are completely immersed in the gameplay. The various sounds are also very beautiful, it lacks certain sounds in certain scenes but we can be satisfied, the choice of songs is adequate and does not break the style of the game. The game is very fluid and I have only encountered a few problems with renpy, nothing serious that an ignore and go back cannot solve obviously. The performances are excellent and it is well optimized. The animations are nice but not excessive, considering the quality of the renderings I expected some nicer animations in the nsfw scenes but I also appreciate the current ones being very simple and not exaggerated. I recommend this game to everyone that made me spend a lot of hours glued to the screen, especially trying to reach and complete all the achievements!
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    I love the art style and the animations are great. The characters are interesting though some may find them lacking at times. The game play is good for the most part, my only complaint being how easy it is to screw your save over with how tightly packed it can be to get to the proper ending(s). overall, I think it's a good game.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Long Live the Princess is an excellent game! The story revolves around a horny seer/magician and his lewd fairy companion, who are investigating his town for various reasons until the kingdom's princess arrives for her coronation. The plot flows well and is full of intrigue, which kept me engaged as the characters uncovered secrets in the town over the course of 50 days (though the 50-day challenge can be skipped for those who prefer a more relaxed pace). The erotic elements of the game, the character designs, clothing style, and explicit scenes were all done incredibly well. The game designers really polished these aspects, creating characters that are not only visually appealing but also enhance the adult themes. The gameplay itself is smooth and well-executed, making for a very immersive experience. Overall, I think the game strikes a perfect balance between an intriguing narrative and adult content, all while maintaining high-quality design and a cohesive flow.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Different from most porn games this DOES have a story to tell, a elaborate narrative that needs to be uncovered little by little. The game highlights the clues but is up to the player to make sense of the jigsaw pieces in order to get the best possible outcome at the end of the game.

    The quality of the CGs and 3d models are mixed. Some are really really good (Erato and Sile) and other are just OK (Samarra and your sister), but I can see that at LOT of effort was put in to every CG, even the ones I didn't like that much.

    Go play this game! (Erato best girl btw)
  7. 4.00 star(s)



    This game is really good but also has its flaws that I personally don't like, so my rating and review are going to be biased.

    Things that I liked:

    1. Story-wise, it is very rich and well thought out, and you can see the effort that the dev put into it, even for the small details.
    2. The environment (places, music, sound effects) is diverse and well placed, making the whole experience more enjoyable.
    3. The freedom of choice is huge and makes the gameplay more unique to every player.
    4. The characters are well written, each of them with a unique personality.
    5. The game doesn't penalize being a pervert and having a lustful behavior.
    6. There are scenes that made me laugh a little bit.
    7. You can have sex with everyone without getting a bad ending, though you'll know what happens when you choose one and leave the rest.
    8. Belle, "your sidekick," was a funny character and sometimes a little bit annoying but not that bad at the end.
    9. For a porn game, this type of quality is very rare.
    10. There are a lot of sex scenes with good animations.
    Things that I did not like:

    1. I personally believe that without a guide, it makes the game really, really hard, especially for the immense amount of variables and paths to someone who is not used to mystery-solving games.
    2. If the intent was to have multiple playthroughs, at some point it becomes annoying and not enjoyable to go through the same dialogue over and over again.
    3. The female characters bodies are pretty similar to each other with the same slim and petite pattern and probably not the hottest that I have seen.
    4. If you try to play without a guide, it is easy to get stuck at revealing secrets, and you'll have to start over your playthrough from who knows where.
    5. There is no way to get a good harem scene (just a threesome) or ending despite all the magic that helps you to do perverted stuff.
    6. The molest scenes are not in the gallery.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    Story could have been pretty good, but it just gets ruined by playing an absolutly perverted MC lusting for everyone and it dosent help having just as a perverted fairy constantly talking shit to MC about perverted shit, it feels brainless and just pure porn logic and that can never make for a good story.

    It also feels so idiotic when MC thinks about how much he wants to fuck someone, take hes sister when you mind controle her the first time MC wants nothing more to take her virginity and use hes powers on her, he even gets a hard on like a 12 year old kid from nothing, but the most idiotic part is when you as the player does nothing with the sister since you might not care about her what so ever, then story falls apart when MC thinks and acts like he wants to fuck someone and then 2 seconds later turn her down.
    The problem is the mindset MC shouldent have those kind of thoughts, let that be up to the players to think for them selfs so story dosent feel like shit when it dosent line up with MCs mindset.

    It also feels stupid that the fairy that keeps pushing for perverted shit dosent say a word when you make the choice of doing nothing at all, it makes no sense.

    The story it self is nothing you havent seen a million times before, MC gains power to mind controle girls, he can even change lesbians into stright girls, so yeah its very bland and emotionless since theres 0 need to build any feeliings or relationships.

    MC also acts way to brainless due to lusting for everyone, a girl knows him out, chain him up, force him to talk and what does MC think about...her body and gets a boner? hes a total shimp and just not a joy to play, you can put people in their place or speak you mind, instend MC just gets a boner from looking at a girl that knocked him out 5 mins ealiere while she has all he clothes logic its just awefull and dialogs gets very cringy constantly.

    Then game forces the bitch on you, which MC loves? how does that make sense? all i wanted was kick her ass for what she has done...
    And thats one of the biggest issue when playing a brainless shimp MC, you never get any kind of payback, even when you know all the secrets the girl has you cant use it for anything but fucking them, no revenge no nothing.

    Its not the only time game forces girls and sex scenes on you, the queen of the fairies are also forced even though she has a husbond standing right next to just not one for slobby seconds so i wouldent have fucked the bitch.
    And why do you get an achivement for fucking her? its forced sex and not something you achive in any way, its idiotic.
    Same for nun, if you arent into nun and do her quest your also forced to fuck her......
    Its a very weird game since some you can turn down other you cant and it dosent make sense to force alot of those sex scenes since it has no effect on story.

    The sister story is also idiotic, MC hates what she does and dont want her to do her clan shit, but does MC use hes all powerfull mindcontrole? nope he joins her to help instend? why? she also has the problem where MC lust hard for her but then you can turn her into a lesbian and send her to another girl without MC......stuff like that just dosent fit into story in any way or form.

    And for the virgin fan you might as well forget about this game even having virgins, its purely normal sex scenes girl loves it has 0 pain, no deflowering, no blood, like i said standard sex scene no more.

    The sandbox isent that bad but the questlog is, theres 0 hints as for what to do, so without walkthrought your pretty fucked.

    Girls are okish, i dident really find the faces hot on 95% of them but atleast theres a little diversity in builds.

    Animations are a bit below average as well, you can enjoy them mostly but for the standards to day its just not good enough.

    Music is alright nothing special but ok background stuff.

    Choices are weird, some stuff is forced, some fetishes are forced some times and other times you can deside, its a huge mess.
    Likes: diolo
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    I very much enjoyed the turn-based progression mechanism, although I would not lie, I'm not really a stupid person but after playing through it myself once, then did it with the playthrough....yea there's no way I would have gotten that efficient so as to achieve all the stuff in one go lol. Nevertheless it is a wonderful game, and definitely worth a few play throughs.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm going to be honest, I'm kind of weird insomuch that when I play these games, I can be kind of picky. The CGs and visuals need to be nice, but at the same time, I feel like if I'm railing a character that's little more than a mannequin, I can't enjoy it. For that reason games that promise a story with its lewds is a pretty important sell for me.

    This game is a combination between visual novel and stripped down (pun intended) roleplaying game, where you make a host of choices to grow as a person, save the world, and bang every hot girl you see. Between that, a fantasy setting, and mind shenganigans in the mix, the premise had me sold.

    But it's the execution the matters, and Long Live the Princess absolutely delivers.

    It's a porn with story game, and, Long Live the Princess understands the importance of story offerings while also teasing the player with enough eye candy to keep people invested until such a time as the story grips them. It often does this through teasing, and rather fortunate timing, but does so in a way that's appropriate for each girl in question. Already this puts it leagues ahead of other such visual novels as LLtP understands the important lesson of pacing.

    The plot is sufficient for this kind of game, and the worldbuilding has some genuinely goods ideas. More importantly, both of these are introduced solidly and you learn with the character as you need to. There's no sitting through 20 irl minutes of exposition through a conversation with a talking portrait.

    The biggest strength is the characters, though. Characters are charming and diverse in both attitude and appearance, which is exactly what you want from this kind of game. There's someone for (almost) everyone (no futa options that I can see if that's your thing, sorry), some of their stories build well on others, and all of them are easy on the eyes. The game uses 3D models, as is probably apparent in the game's banner, but they're nice enough. Sex scenes are animated. The rest moves between different static poses and expressions to give the characters some life.

    For the degenerates that I know absolutely none of us are, you're not wanting for options. In addition to penetration of multiple sorts, you're free to try and peep on someone changing, coax them to work in a state of undress, catch them in scandalous acts with others or manipulate them into playing with you even when the situation is dire. Risky sex in public is sometimes an option, and you can even molest the girls in their sleep if that floats your boat. Those who want pregnancy can unlock that feature as well. There's a panty raid esque feature too, which is a bit basic in how its done, but enjoyable.

    The game has two modes, and you'll choose somewhere around the first week--there's a standard 50 day mode that goes into the endgame, and a unlimited day mode where you start the endgame where you want.

    This game takes a page from the Souls series insomuch that it's intended to have multiple playthroughs, and indeed it will recommend the 50 day stint. However, if you only intend to play the game once, or if you feel uncomfortable with time crunch, I STRONGLY recommend going against the game's recommendations and going unlimited time--the biggest reason I say this is that this game is best experienced through trial and error rather than following a guide unless you're well and truly stuck--and I feel not having that 50 day limit looming over your shoulder making you want to make the most of every day for the best ending makes it easier to avoid that temptation. I appreciate what the game is trying to do and it's a good idea, however I also think the most important thing with this kind of game is not to spoil yourself.

    Lastly, and I know this is something that a lot of people probably don't think about for an ero game, but the music is quite nice. It's varied, most if not all of the characters have their own theme which suits them. The fact that this game is completely free for what it gives you means there's no excuse not to try it if you're into the genre at all. I don't think you'll be disappointed. I sure as hell wasn't.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    Great game with an overall great story. Sadly, the individual characters, except for the main ones (witch, princess, queen, and "trainee"), feel less compelling to revisit. I wanted to see how the game ends in other scenarios, but they are less complex, and the interactions with these characters aren’t as engaging. That said, I must add that without a walkthrough, it got kind of confusing what to do to progress, especially when rescuing Primrose from prison, as I missed something while she was still free. Otherwise, the graphics and lewd scenes are beautifully done, so I would recommend it for a playthrough.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Wow, what a journey that was! I think it was one of the longest games I've played so far. Although it had some logical flaws at times, I really liked the story. The characters were decent; some were fun, some were boring. Belle especially became one of my favorite characters. I wish I had a friend like her in real life. The epilogue sections felt a bit lazily put together—they could have been better—but so much effort was put into the rest of the game that it doesn't really matter. Visually, the game was amazing, and I liked the animations. The ambient sounds and music could have been better, though. Overall, I give this game 4.5 stars, but since that's not possible, I'll be generous and give it 5 stars.

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  13. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is great since it really lets you think how to approach things carefully. Its like playing Fallout but with more sex and im tasked in finding the Saver Chip within 50 days.

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  14. 3.00 star(s)

    Penetrator God

    The gameplay is very much about detective work. Search for clues, interrogate people and solve the clues you find by connecting them to people. You also need to improve the main character's attributes. It wasn't exactly the game I expected. The gameplay requires a bit too much grind. There are a lot of mechanics to keep track of and if you don't turn off the time limit, the game will end before you see all the content. I know the developer did this to increase replayability, but I don't think I'll play it more than once.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a fantastic visual novel with a very well fleshed out time loop mechanic. Your character is having to redo the story until they get it right, with multiple satisfying endings, it's a huge task for a developer to follow through with such a ambitious work, and succeed.
    The characters are fleshed out, if at time's a little tropish, but the game want's you to experience the characters multiple times, from new angles as your power grows from being looped.
    Overall, expect several hours for the first loop, and alot faster each loop afterwards.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    This is difficult to get the good ending, but something about it had me coming back to try again and again.
    This is the first game I've played like this - where your decisions truly impact the story flow (instead of just which girl you end up with).
    Well done, dev.
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    I suppose dev effort and story would be a 5
    But for me this game was too convoluted. You are going to miss a LOT if you don't follow the walkthrough, and that is just annoying AF. I don't mind checking a WT sometimes, but you need to follow it step by step in this game.
    And Girls are mostly meh. Fairy annoys me with her childish flat body and unattractive face (and I do like Asians, she's just not a pretty one).
    Too many girls with flat chests in this avn. (not a fan of huge chests either. But needs enough C/D cups to keep me interested.) The sister is the only hot one... (unless you're into tiny tits or redheads)
    .. sigh.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Long Live the Princess is a visual novel by Belle with investigative gameplay and some rpg elements mixed together in a very precise and well rounded way. Your purpose is to prepare for the arrival of the princess, improving your special abilities and your stats while interacting with many characters, each with its own special branch of the story under a certain time limit that you can disable. The game has many mysteries and hidden plots, scenes, and dialog you have to actively search to get it. While progressing the relationship with each character in its own way, you are constantly rewarded with great character development from unique personalities and a good amount of scenes with each girl. The investigation mechanic is impressive for a Renpy engine, engaging with this little world and charming the player with progressively more interesting characteristics revealed through sleught. The models are beautiful and unique, while still being lore friendly with the medieval fantasy world you are in. It’s a game that will require a good amount of hours and reading to understand the mechanics and navigate through the plot while exploring all the romances and its options. After that, the game has a new game plus with even more content that ties with elements you saw the first time. Without a doubt this game was developed with much care, love, and it delivers its purpose with flying colors. Long Live the Princess is a must for anyone that enjoys Renpy games. Seeing those incredible mechanics working perfectly in this visual novel engine is quite a feat in itself. The story, characters, romances, and plot twists sprinkled with fantastic scenes makes the experience even better. Sadly the two following games developed by Belle are very different and lack in quality, but that is a different discussion.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Holy shit what an absolute hidden gem this one is! There's plenty of story, you're free to explore the game and the relationships, the dialogue is clever, moving, funny and the sex is plentiful and hot. I would pay good money for a game like this!
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    I was skeptical at first, but the game caught me somehow and made my play it through. This doesn't happen very often, as I quit games that doesn't hook me within the first hour or less.

    So as I was playing the hours passes and I didn't notice as I really enjoyed played it.

    I will keep this spoiler free.

    The time you have to “complete” the game before reaching end-games (days 50) is very short, unless you rely on cheats or walkthroughs/guides. I should've not picked the limited time option, but oh well.

    I finished most of the “quests”, but couldn't start any romance with the girls, as it should be possible when I checked some guides. Needless to say, I stopped spending time with them after nothing happened, spending time with them two or three times. Same with working, as you don't really need to work much for money.
    I focused on upgrading my spells and attributes, yet I didn't find out how to get the last two charisma points, but maxed the rest.

    So I reached endgame with most of the stuff done, but no romance and I couldn't find a way to convince one girl to be bisexual. Although I used a spell to get it started. I don't know what cock blocked me in the possible threesome but even with maxed attributes the MC said he can't do it because she isn't interested in men. Not sure what I did wrong there.
    I also couldn't mind break the crone, but I'm sure I had the clues for it, but apparently not. The MC didn't tell me that I don't have enough, as he was on other characters.

    Either way, I choked at the end and had the worst possible ending.
    I was assuming you could rely on the last person you visit before the event, but turns out you can't.
    I didn't involve the other two options and then screwed up the ending.
    Furthermore, I was smart enough to save before heading into the event, but messed up hitting load to start over and just overwrote my save…this way I couldn't have a second try and was forced to start over. Which I didn't do.

    Do I want to replay the game even with NG+ option? The answer is: No.

    I'm tired of all the conversations and the grind per person. Let alone, I don't see much benefit starting over even with maxed stats as most of the outcome will be the same except for maybe two or three more sex scenes and a better ending.

    What can I list as negative impact for me?:
    — The animations are pretty good, but could be a bit better
    — Except for the animation scenes, the game looks blurry as heck
    — Places that you have “completed” should be removed as an option to go to. Which did happen for one thing in the wilderness, but sadly the places in town are still there and waste your time checking them every day.
    — I assume I did pretty much complete all objectives yet didn't get any romance with any of the characters

    It is definitely worth a go and I highly recommend giving it a try.

    Looking forward to the developer hopefully continue to create games.