I'm working on a script fix that corrects grammar and poor sentence structure.
Thats slightly worrying depending what you actually mean by that.
Were as I'm all for removing double words and missed words plus fixing grammar of supossed intelligent characters.
Not all your character's fit that description and at least for me reading a sentence written how they would actually say it is part of the charm.
Even If some people mistake that for an actual writing mistake.
As an extreme example I saw a true life murder crime program the other day.
And to say the gentleman in the interrogation room was not the brightest bulb in the room is an understatement.
On responding to the sujestion he might of been involved in the murder.
He said and I quote "It wont me... done nothin"
Yet strangly enough looking at him and hearing him upto that point I wasn't remotely surprised with what he said.
Or how he said it and I wouldn't be suprised if it was written out exactly as he had said it.
Now If they were to then transcribed it as him having said "It wasn't me... I have done nothing wrong" that I would struggle to believe.
Don't really think you would but just a reminder of what's good about this game.
So by all means fix whats wrong but please don't over fix things.
I do hope you get my meaning .
Just sayin.