Identify Lookin for an older game.


New Member
Jun 11, 2020
I tried looking for this game before apparently only 9 months ago, with not a whole lot of success, I don't know if it was because the post wasn't seen all that much on that site or what.
some things a am a little more sure about:
  • Game was top down square grid rpg, think rpgmaker, wolf rpg, or what ever you want, if it was one of those the engine was modified beyond recognition.
    • while I am much, much more familiar with rpgmaker, I am less so of wolf rpg. But, I don't remember seeing any menu following the defaults (color or otherwise).
  • IF I remember correctly, this game had a hud to it, I also remember a lot of the ui elements being a bluish silver.
  • This game had some awful control scheme, if I remember correctly, it used jkl instead of asd or arrow keys for movement.
  • This game, as I remember quite clearly, had the most insane level of character customization, think D&D wackjob pre-fill fleshed out backstories to chose from (and I think the option for custom as well)
  • The name of this game either started with an A, or a Q, I can't remember all that well, but I remember it being one word, and reminding me of a fantasy land name (I think the name came from the nation/continet the game takes place, not entirely sure)
  • While this game had quite a bit of focus on slavery, I do not remember if it was actually NSFW (sexually).
  • I remember being sort of deterred by the complexity of this game, I want to say dwarf fortress levels, but I'm not entirely sure.
  • This game was, and still is god damn hard to find, I found it based off of a recommendation from some sub 1k subscriber youtuber recommending rpgs (I have since lost both the link to the video and the name of this youtuber)
  • Similar to rpgmaker, and wolf rpg, this game relied heavily on a pixel art style for most everything I can think of.
  • As for the setting of this game, I remember that it was fantasy (I think there were elves and other races and what not)
  • This game was free, and hosted on the creator's website, this website had a early/outdated 2000-2010s look to it.
  • Lastly, I remember there were some roguelike/lite options for this game.
I have no idea why I remember this game so much, with out being able to actually recall the name of this game, seeing as I actually only played it for less then 4 hours (most of which I spent exploring the character creation and menus for this game, pretty sure I didn't even leave the starting room). Though for what ever reason, I have a strong feeling I'd actually like this game.

also, first post.

Edit: I'm 99.99% sure it isn't on this site, but feel free to laugh as hard as you can if you actually do (I've searched for it a few times on here).