[R>Artist 2D] Paid Share Looking for 2D Hentai/Cartoon Artist and Animator Partner


New Member
Nov 17, 2020
Looking for a 2D artist to form a partnership. The game is called Breedathon, and it is a mix between the sex game Breeding Season and Pokemon. I am looking for a partner, who can animate scenes and draw backgrounds. I am a Breeding Season fan and hate that the game was ended, which is my motivation. I am willing to share 75-85% of the proceeds of the game, however this is negotiable. I may also be able to compensate up front. I will also definitely take input on some areas. I would love to go over the outline of the game and explain the mechanics of the game with you. If you have played Breeding Season you will know that their are many animations that need to be had, so if you want to join my team please be ready. Even if you would not like to join my project, but like the idea please contact me. I am also interested in learning how to draw 2D, so if you think you can teach me instead I would also love that. If you are interested or have questions, please comment, or email me @jhilikeyah@gmail.com, or chat with me on discord, my username is jhilikeyeh#8493.

I am looking for someone:
Who is looking for a long term project.
Who can handle many animations.
Who can animate sex animations of all types, including creatures x creatures, and creatures x humans, etc.
Who can draw backgrounds and scenes.
Who is interested in the project.
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Feb 4, 2020
I can animate, and make animation rigs. I also remember that game from back when it was first posted on the legend of krystal forums back in the day. I think part of the problem is the monster combos were getting ridiculous. You get 6 male monsters, 6 female monsters you've got 36 sex scenes to animate. I remember they never actually animated over half the combinations, It got kind of ridiculous in the end because the kept adding stuff finishing the previous monsters animations.

Also the fact they kept replacing the damn dick wolf models, requiring all new scenes to be made slowed development no doubt.

Examples I made for the game guiltyforce by dark.



New Member
Nov 17, 2020
Yeah, I know but, I was thinking insead of makind different animations for every single combination, maybe make standard animations that go with other standard animations. I love your art, if you are intrested in being partners I'd love to have you on the team, could we talk on discord or email?


New Member
Jun 15, 2019
Hi, I can do backgrounds. I have experience with visual novels.
Some sample i have upload here:

My Discord : muzyka89dn#6671