[R>Artist 3D] Share Unpaid Looking for 3D Modeler to help with Kawamono/Skinsuit assets


New Member
May 11, 2020
This is a project I’ve been attempting to do for awhile but alas my artistic ability has failed me once again. I have a script for a kawamono/skin suit style story and I’ve been attempting to model some assets for it, however I suck at anything visually artistic (writing doesn’t really count as a visual art IMO). The current goal for the project is an animated short about a character finding a strange camera device that lets him create and wear skinsuits of anyone he snaps a photo of, with full functionality and such. It’s conceivable that this could become a VR experience if I could focus on the programming over the animation and modeling, though at the moment my goal is simply a way to tell the story.

Just me for now

Looking for:
3D Modeler

Employment Type:
Unpaid or Split of the profit if any is to be made

Work commitment:
No deadlines or anything

Preferred method of contact:
Discord @ GiantThorway#2973

Job Description:
Someone to create character and environmental assets for use in animations.

Additional comments:
I’m better at the technical side of 3D art than the actual artistic work (not that that’s much of a bar to clear) so rigging, camera work, editing and key frame animation I can handle - though the less I handle that myself the more time I can spend on the things I’m actually capable of.