[R>Artist 2D] Share Looking for a 2D artist for a RPG/monster breeding game


New Member
Jun 5, 2021
About the project:

Game name:

Let's Save the Monsters! (subject to change)


2d monster breeder simulator/RPG/collection game



Graphic style:

Pixel art


The game takes place in a medieval-style world where monsters and humans coexist. However, the monsters are slowly dying out, as they are forced into labor in the cities. You play as Andi, a young woman who's just bought a farm, and has an interest in monster conservation. She sets off on her own adventure to repopulate the world... in her own, pragmatic way.

Main inspirations:

Breeding season, Samurai Vandalism, Pokémon, Dungeon of Erotic Masters

Playable characters:

The main character. Horrified about the dwindling populations of monsters in the world, she's determined to help.

Heather: Andi's younger sister. Followed her sister to the farm, and pretends to be really mean, but in reality she's a softie.

Samantha: The previous owner of the farm. After selling the farm, she decides to stay and help Andi in her quest. Kind of a team mom.

Megaera: A succubus who's encountered in the forest. She was summoned by a powerful sorceress who tried to enslave her, but managed to escape.


[DISCLAIMER DISCLAIMER DISCLAIMER: I'm not an artist. Please don't judge me on the "quality" of my placeholder art.]


Current placeholder graphics for the overworld and dialogue system.

The game takes place in a 2d world, not unlike Pokémon or Samurai Vandalism. You'll be able to navigate through many different biomes, where different monsters live. You'll encounter monsters, whom you can fight and capture. There'll be a day and night cycle, as well as a weather cycle. Different monsters can be found at different times/weathers.

The game will have overaching storylines, and also side-quests, which will range from simple requests, to fully fledged side stories.

Example of one such storyline:

The Goblin Stronghold

The inhabitants of the nearby settlement of Teakvale complain about the disappearance of their goods and animals. This opens up the first quest, where you'll have to look for clues in the forest. After you've found the three clues (a bloody trail, rocks and clubs strewn around, and a half-eaten lamb), you deduce it must have been the work of goblins. You'll then have to set out into the forest, and locate the goblin cave.

Having located the cave, you have three ways to enter the cave, and gain an audience with the chieftain:

- Fight your way in: Eschewing any kind of subtlety, you fight your way to the chieftain.
- (REQUIRES KNOWLEDGE) Gift the chieftain 3 goblin females: It is a goblin custom that the tribe must gift their most fertile females when a new chieftain takes over the tribe.
- (REQUIRES MEGAERA AFFECTION) Megaera fucks her way in: Megaera, the resident succubus, will "convince" the tribe to let you see the chieftain.

Upon entering the cave, it becomes abundantly clear why the goblins suddenly are raiding Teakvale - their new chieftain is an orc. You will now have to convince him to stop the raids (you can't). However, depending on the conversation, the following may happen:

- If you tell him where your farm is, he will send his tribe to attack you, resulting in a game over.
- If you anger him, he won't let you leave, and you'll have to fight your way out.
- If you appease him, he'll let you leave unharmed.

Having left the cave, you'll now have to find a way to stop the raids. Since he's too powerful to take down conventionally, you'll have to find another way.

- (REQUIRES KNOWLEDGE) Breed 10 goblin males with the "Warrior" trait: These warriors will depose the chieftain, and usher in a new era of cooperation with the goblins.
- Get mercenaries from Teakvale to take him out: 1000 gold will do the trick.
- Gift him Megaera: The chieftain gets Megaera as a concubine. However, as a succubus, she sucks him dry, and he dies.

With the attacks on Teakvale stopped, the Northern Path is now open again, and you may continue your journey. And the goblins, your new allies, will offer you quests.



Screenshot of current combat system. Currently in the process of redesigning.

You'll be able to fight monsters in the world with a party of up to 4 characters. The combat system is very inspired by Dungeon of Erotic Masters, as it is a turn-based combat system. Every character will have their own skills and strengths/weaknesses, and will be able to equip character-specific equipment (example: Andi uses rakes, while Megaera uses tomes). When the monsters are low on health, you'll be able to capture them (max 1 per encounter).

You'll also be able to seduce the monsters, which will lead to sexy time, and has a chance of instantly defeating the monster. This will also allow you to get a second chance at procuring new monsters, as there's a chance you'll become pregnant. However, the monsters also have the ability to seduce the party with different sexual attacks. If a party member sustains too much sexual damage, they'll be knocked out (or knocked up, har har).



You'll be able to breed monsters, either with other monsters or yourself. The system will be reminiscent of Breeding Season or Breeders of the Nephelym, complete with traits, preferences and variants. Due to Megaera's influence, pregnancy will only last a few days. Breeding together different monsters may also lead to hybrids.

Breeding will increase your knowledge of that particular monster, and knowledge plays a crucial role in quests and requests. Having enough knowledge might open up alternate paths, or lead to collectibles.

When you've bred monsters, you'll then be able to release them into the world, or sell them to different townsfolk.

Affection system:
You'll be able to build relationships with the other denizens of the farm, inhabitants of the towns, and different tribes of monsters. Reaching certain milestones will give rewards (for instance, if you build enough relationship with the goblins, they may share their secrets, leading to increased stats for goblins on your farm).

Card system:

You'll be able to get collectible cards from combat, finding them in the world, trading for them, or by completing quests. There'll be different series of cards, and completing a collection will give unique rewards (like side episodes, scenes, outfits, etc.)

Possible upcoming features:

Play as a male.


- Orgies
- F/F
- Monsters
- Slimes/Tentacles


- Bad endings


- Bestiality


Currently in prototyping stage. All art assets will have to be redone, but prototypes of most systems are in place.

Who I'm looking for


2d artist

Desired skills:

- 2d pixel graphics (environments, characters)
- Pixel animation
- UI design experience
- Previous experience in developing games is a plus, but not required.

What you'll be responsible for:

You will be responsible for the entirety of the graphical side of the game. This includes, but is not limited to:

- Creation of all environments (overworlds, combat screens).
- Creation and design of all characters.
- UI design
- Sex scenes & animations (can possibly be outsourced)

You will have complete creative freedom, as long as we are in agreement. I'll be able to assist to a certain extent. I value cooperation and communication, and you would be an equal partner, meaning you would also have a lot of influence in regards to the story, features, and pretty much everything else.


Ideally, I would like for you to be attached to the project for its entire lifespan. Depending on time investment, revenue and scope, this could be a few months to several years. You would, of course, have a say in the matter.

If we hit it off, I would not be opposed to forming an actual development team for future projects.

Time investment:

As long as the game is continuously developed, and agreed deadlines are met, you'll be able to put in as much/as little time as you want.


The plan is to launch the game on a crowdfunding platform once we have a MVP, and we would then split any resulting funds - either 50/50, or 45/45, with the remaining 10 going into a joint account to be used for outsourcing/. Depending on workload, and quality of the MVP, I'm also not against a milestone bonus for completion of the first MVP.

Who I am

I am an experienced Unity programmer, and have a degree in video games programming. I have experience with QA testing in the games industry, and have worked and released prototypes of indie games, which I can show upon request. My main interest is developing 2d games, though I do have 3d experience. I am well-versed in the different stages of development, and have already developed prototypes of the systems I intend to implement in the game.

I also have writing and drawing experience, though not anywhere near to the extent where I'd call myself an artist.

I'm a very easygoing person, but diligent and focused. I prioritize communication and teamwork, and am always open to suggestions.


If you are interested in joining the team, or have any questions for me, please reach out via DM's or in this thread with examples of previous work. If things seem to be working out, we can then move to Discord.

I look forward to hearing from you!
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New Member
Aug 25, 2024
Hey definitely interested, big fan of the genre. Here's some stuff I've been doing for a game jam. add me on discord:tacoforce angel idle-Sheet.png chains 2.png angel armor.png