[R>Artist 2D] Paid Looking for a 2D Artist for an existing project

Mr. Unaware

Mr. Unaware Studios
Game Developer
Dec 10, 2018
- Unaware of the World - Open world sidescroller RPG with character customization, where stats & choices matter.
Plot - Take control of a young woman barely old enough to drink, design her how you like and then dump her into the heart of a metropolis, known as The City! Decide who she talks to, what place she works at, how she preforms her duties, the control is all in your hands... err hand. Have fun with a dynamic world as conversations and situations change based on your choices, your physique, how you respond and your skills! Everything you do can have a ripple effect. Be prepared for a world that is as uncaring as the one we live in. People won't always treat the main character nice or they may be real helpful, like helping her out of a dress whether she wants to or not!

- Unaware Team (although I'm a solo dev, mostly) -
I have around 10 years of experience in game dev and Unity. I worked on a few polish indie games. Also in the past I've worked on a few bigger mods (mostly for Bethesda's games, like Fallout and Elder Scrolls series). This is currently my only project that I'm developing and plan to work on it for years.

Looking for:
- 2D Artist. Unity engine, but you don't really need to know Unity, although it's helpful. Character art is split into many body parts and then put together by me in the Unity. You will only need to send me art via e-mail.

Employment Type:
- Paid per art provided, but I'm open for other offers, too, so we will get along somehow.

Work commitment:
- Long-term partnership, but a part-time job. Probably around 20-60h monthly should suffice, depending on month and work needed. I release a major update at the end of each month.

Preferred method of contact:
- Just text me on my . But you are also free to contact me here, on F95, although I visit this site from time to time, and I prefer Discord due to real-time conversations. Not a fan of voice chats.

Job Description:
- Creating character art AND/OR locations. If you don't want to do both, it's fine, I'll just find one more artist. I'll teach you the project's rules and explain stuff.

Additional comments:
- Trying to improve and expand the project (it's my only income), so I'm looking for someone who can do better art than the existing one, and has some passion for the project (got really tired of people who don't care about the project in the slightest). But I want to keep the similar feeling of the game.
Looking for someone who don't get easily offended and can stand criticism - not because I'm a toxic fuck, but because I'm honest to the core, and I also don't get offended easily, so you can call some aspects of my game shit without worries. Sense of humor is also more than welcome!

Here's a game, if you want to try it:

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Mr. Unaware

Mr. Unaware Studios
Game Developer
Dec 10, 2018
Small bump:
Yeah, I'm still looking for 2 artists (one for characters, and another one for backgrounds) and I'll be looking for a few more days until I choose one of you. A lot of people wrote to me (way more than I anticipated), so please don't get mad when I answer really slowly, since I try to dedicate my time to each of you, answer all your questions, explain the job and so on. Cheers!

Mr. Unaware

Mr. Unaware Studios
Game Developer
Dec 10, 2018
Another small bump:
I'm pretty much already covered with the character artists, so don't need more, but there's still a place for the background artist, if anyone is wondering and want to give it a try. If not, I will choose someone from the artists that I'm already talking with.

I'm waiting until Thursday-Friday (12th/13th May)
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