[R>Artist 2D] Paid Looking for a 2D artist to make a few images for a project


Active Member
Game Developer
May 16, 2018
RPG maker game, current working title BarKeeper, about a girl who runs a bar.

Eventide Games

Looking for:
2D standing pictures(Cosplay), scenes using the costumes

Employment Type:
Commissioned images, a few at the start and more later

Work commitment:
Freelance commission work

Preferred method of contact:
F95 direct message or email eventidegames@gmail.com

Job Description:
1 standing picture nude female, 2 costumes to be used paperdoll style, 1 scene with 3 pictures non-animated(Grouping scene for 1 costume)

Additional comments:
I would like to have a quote on the costs when you contact me, the nude standing picture I really need, the costumes that will be overlaid i may do myself depending on the cost, the scene I don't think I want to paperdoll since having each costume have a unique scene would expand the gameplay, though I may do some more common scenes paper-dolled later. If you don't know what a paperdoll is, it's a picture that can have other picture lain on top of it to create a different scene, so the standing picture may be nude but I could put a barmaid costume on top or even cover it with marker drawings.

contact me for further questions or if you are interested and I will get back to you as soon as I can.