[R>Artist 2D] Looking for a 2D/comic artist for VN


New Member
Jul 22, 2020
- No title, although provisionally called "Friendzoned" since that's what the game is about. It will contain HEAVY cuckolding/NTR, humiliation and corruption, as that's my thing. I'll share more details with anyone interested, but to put it short:
* The game will focus on two things: life as seen from the MC (everything will be narrated and seen from his POV) and the corruption of his GF.
* A LOT of choices, and many different routes and endings depending on MC's & GF's stats.
* Keywords: cuckolding/NTR, SPH, corruption, humiliation, chastity, prostitution, drugs, smoking.
* GGGB is my favorite game, and this one looks for the same feel but from the perspective of the boyfriend of the good girl
* A lot of art will be saved given that slides with only text messaging will be very common.

- Discord hjs_0nly#8620. No Patreon at the moment.

Looking for:
- 2D Artist, that can do some western 2D in the vein of GGGB and Our Red String.

Employment Type:
- Either shared, or paid. If I write the whole script and I haven't found an artist yet, I will do it myself.

Work commitment:
- I'd look for someone with some free time, just as myself. I have a full time job but will work part time on this.

Preferred method of contact:
- Discord or here.

Job Description:
- Coming up with all the art in the game, using "comic" style of a decent level, comparable to the above mentioned games.

Additional comments:
- Nope.