[R>Artist 3D] Share Looking for a 3D artist for a very short comic project [Closed]


Game Developer
Jul 9, 2020

I'm a professional writer who has been working in the visual novel scene for three years now.

Some of my published works include One Night Stand and The best days of our lives.

I have a short, completed comic script, ready for publishing, and I'm looking for an artist to collaborate with.

Below are all the essential details about the project and the revenue share.

If you feel it's something you'd be interested in, kindy leave me a reply or PM.



"Marguerite" is a noir, mystery / tragedy about a woman running away from the mafia.

(Note: There will be NO on-screen violence. But the story does have some themes of blackmail, murder, etc.)

It's a 26 pages long comic and needs a total of 80 renders/images.

The story has around 10-12 different characters. But will only show 2 or 3 characters at a time on the screen.

I already have the panel layouts planned and will take care of the lettering as well.

So, the artist can focus entirely on the art alone.


Looking For:

A 3D artist, who is fairly adept at lighting the scenes in an impactful way. (This is a noir comic after all.)


Employment Type: Revenue Share

Full disclosure -- Due to my region's updated policies, I cannot send others any payments via PayPal or other similar portals.

So, the credit page of the comic will have links to BOTH your patreon and mine (as the artist and the writer)

Whatever revenue is generated in your patreon will be yours to keep, and whatever income generated in my account will be mine.


Work Commitment:

This is a one-time gig. But if the artist is happy with the collaboration, and is interested in working again, we can work on a longer series again.


Preferred method of contact:

- We can have the initial conversations here at f95 (DM me) and once we finalize on working together, we can move over to Discord.


Apr 3, 2022
This is super long to be even called "short" also revenue share is not a guaranteed payment. Infact this is pretty much you paying air for your idea to be brought to life.