Identify Looking for a 3D monster girl game - [SOLVED]


New Member
Nov 9, 2021
I've been trying to remember the name for an unfinished 3D monster girl game and hope someone can help me find it on here, I'll try to give as many details as I can. You play as a boy with black hair with a small pony tail(?) who the dev didn't give a face, they have a black question mark there instead and he wore a kind of open chest, sleeveless top. The game is in segments, similar to how Redamz for Monster Girl Island does his but you could interact with them and change the camera angles around during the scenes. One segment was with a fox girl, I think she wore glasses. Another one was with some sea creature girl, reminded me of an orca/killer whale and she seemed very submissive. There was one with an anubis girl, egyptian themed sex scene where you had to play a mini game to beat her multiple times - hottest one of the lot by the way. Then I think the last one was a rabbit girl? She had pink fur I think and wore a red outfit. I remember the dev saying they didn't want to make a proper game early on in development, but then later down the line they decided to make a sort of side scroller that would eventually include all the segments from the other monster girls

I was sure it was called "monster girl" something, but searching through this site with that as a tag didn't help me but maybe I didn't search correctly