[R>Artist 2D] [R>Artist 3D] Share Looking for a Daz 3D Artist for a Long Term Game (VN)


New Member
Sep 2, 2017
Thank you for checking my thread.

I've been working on a game for the past year, mostly regarding the script. I have been doing dialogues and the overall storytelling, as well as the software integration.
It's not easy to understand and acknowledge all the Daz3D techniques, especially on improving the final image with all the extra polishing. It's amazing what some people manage to do with the software, but it's just not for me. Words have always been my passion, and I reckon it would only slow me down if I were now to spend another year to learn Daz3D.

This is a long term project, far from the usual short/medium dating romances you've come across in the past. My goal is to create a dynamic dating adventure, which explores a wide range of preferences, diving players into their lust and desires. Characters feel and act very realistic in their way of interaction, so please understand that there is far more than "sexual scenes" in this project. There's is a characterization for each one of them, with personality traits, fears and tastes.

The project can easily reach into 50+ hours of gameplay, and beyond. It's a long commitment with heart and soul into it. An open world experience, with many different storylines, segments and paths that lead to thrilling, funny and naughty results.

I'm currently the only developer, with the game's engine fully working as well as ready to accommodate every design decision.

Looking for:
I'm currently looking for someone with experience in Daz3D. Doesn't need to have the most advance knowledge of the software, but as intended, it must understand how it works and realize its full potential when comes to character design. This includes scenarios, poses, accessories and other extras that might be needed to work with Genesis 8 models.

Employment Type:
A full contract will be dispatched, which confirms the "Shared" profits, as well as every other clause available.
Profit is to be split 50-50, at all times as expected. There are plenty of other lines to agree upon, so both sides are equally shared in a trust and peaceful work environment.
Due to the game being crowdfunded, with different build releases, the profit share starts on the very first build available to the public.

Work commitment:
The commitment is 110%. I've been working hard myself, but I understand the "share" system pushes many people away, therefore I'm open to a slow start, or jump right into development. I'm very committed, and completely available 24/7 for this project. I will respect your schedules as well as availability.

Preferred method of contact:
Discord contact would be preferable, but I'm available through PM here on F95Z, so we can exchange any contact form you may prefer.

Job Description:
Creating 3D characters, with the desired poses and extras. Rendering them and if possible to add specific extra details in Photoshop or Daz3D directly. eg: Extra lightning, Bloom, and others.

Additional comments:
Thank you for taking the time to read, and if you have any extra question or doubt, please don't hesitate in contacting me through PM, or a direct reply here in the thread.
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