Identify Looking for a game that suddenly dissapeared

Feb 22, 2022
It was a game that was usually in the top 20 games in the DLsite upcoming works section under the 30days activity tab.
It was a game about a princess knight and a priestess trying to help the population / reduce crime. It was gonna have a day/night cycle and the artstyle was very smooth looking with pretty busty women.
I think one of the "love interests" (more like corruption) was like some ugly bastard half-brother who was corrupted royalty.

It was supposed to release before but then they said something along the lines of "the gameplay was very uninteresting so we're reworking it" and then I think they had another issue and at some point I just never saw it again on either Ci-en or DLsite.

It just got cancelled or something, I highly doubt it got released without me noticing, especially since it was very well anticipated.

Would be epic if someone could help me find it or at least tell me if it did in fact get cancelled.