Seeking Looking for a game with girl exposed on Internet / Social media/ TV


Oct 30, 2019
Hello guys, how are you ?

I wonder if you know good games about girl protagonist exposed on Internet/Social Media/TV
Like we have a view of her popularity on the web, a camgirl exposed, or people(student) who expose her on the web etc...

For example, I remember a VNgame where a schoolboy expose the mother of his friend on the web.
It can be about NTR, Blackmail, Corruption and I dont care about Vn or RPG style
Just if you can give me some name, its good

Thanks you guys for reading and answering, i hope you the best, and have good holidays :)


Dec 30, 2017
Civilian Justice League
Civilian Justice league 2

ALL games, over half have been translated (some MTL) and is on this site, like terrible laboratory mentioned above.

To a lesser degree:
Naked order, if you mess up enough you will get exposed and have some scenes related to that.
Anthesis, not the main focus of the game but you can get recognized by people on school and... well... stuff happens.

I know there are many more out there that have elements of exposure/social media/internet exposure. but these are the ones i can name off the top of my head.

Maybe Part time Exhibitionist Girl, but i think its mostly bosses/customers that expose you, if i remember right.
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Oct 30, 2019
Thanks a lot for all these name, I already know CJL 1 et 2 and I like these games, effectively I know there are a lot of these game here but its pretty hard to find them :/

But thanks ! If anyone have other name ?
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