Looking for a game


Jul 31, 2017
Look I'm simply looking for a game and I've searched extensively for to the point to where I just have to ask for help so yuh I'm a potato please assist.

Ok I'm just going to put the main points here since the freaking essay down there is a terrible read but I guess if you want more context you can attempt to read it lul.

-might have animal tail and ears not to sure
-Blond hair
-Healing/magic based abilities
-Companion 1
-Cannibal?, Hungry all the time
-You get him as a follower at the start of the game
-Blue coat and hat
-main weapon a shovel
-main types of combat skills is related to cannibalism/dark type moves
-Oblivious or Carefree type of character
-Companion 2(Assassin 2nd companion)
- younger sister(Later succeeds assassins group)
- Leader of group of Assassins(Later steps down as leader)
- Desert (found/acquired in)
- black clothing
-combat is based on assassin type moves( I dunno quick attack? back stab? lol)

H scenes
-Masturbation scene( Desert/Tent)
-Prostitution scene(Boarder -Boob touch)
-Intercourse ( Jail Cell - tempted official to let you out before he leaves)

Plot summarized
-you swallow some stone that you've stolen from the kingdom when it was being transported and you have no idea what it does or why it's so important simply for the fact that you needed money, in which you find out it's a stone of lust in which you will become some entity of lust which causes you to be horny every now and then

-Patron game
-Uses RPGM as the format
-Player sprites are from RPGM
-It didn’t have 3D characters
-Game play is tradition turn based combat not heavily based on it but it's basically there for the plot mainly
-Linear plot line but it was still in the early stages
-I want to say mid 2016 or early 2017 of date of release
-Environment had visible wind/sand flying across the screen

Plot (Detailed?)
You start the game off by a camp when two mercenary's(Smugglers maybe?) drop you off in exchange for payment (and you stolen a gem/jewel and swallowed to keep hidden after hearing it was an expensive item) but they decided that they want to make you a slave in which they're defeated/killed by a companion who shows up and saves you. You then ask who he is and he tells you he was just passing by and he's very hungry, so you two head to near by camp and fight some captain of the guard and afterwords speaking to some official to search for a carrier which you find dead by a assassin. The official then find you by the road in which you are then tasked to go to the capital. After words heading to a nearby town where you seek provisions, but you have to cross a boarder control in which you tell one of the guards he could touch your breasts in exchange of free passage(I dunno why some reason with you) without a check up and you also tell your companion to grab some food in which he returns with provisions and 100 gold coins from another guard with the message "Thanks for the show"(or something along the lines of that). you walk around the mountains until you meet a blacksmith who can upgrade your weapons. You head into a capital but your stopped at a bridge where soldiers are attacking some monster(I believe is was named after one of the 7 deadly sins not sure) in which you faint after defeating it and your companion carries you to a tent and you rest. you wake up and he goes to get you some water. You then have the option to masturbate your yourself. After words you head into a capital in which you find a priests who tells you the stone you stole and swallowed has fused with you and it's a stone of lust/corruption(basically makes you horny) and the effects will increase if she doesn't get rid of it. You then head into some desert and meet an assassin and help him solve his clans mystery thingy to which he leaves his younger sister in charge after solving the case and joins you on your journey to where the game stops since it's still in development.

Thanks for you time and hopefully it turns up some time hahaha


Lord of Passion
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2017
Out of curiosity, you said the second companion was your little sister... Is there incest or not? If not I might have stumbled across this game yesterday looking for some more completed RPGM to test out. I don't recall the name right now, but I could find it again if you know for sure there is no incest.


Jul 31, 2017
I forgot to say Companion 2 has a little sister, my apologies. I pretty sure there isin’t incest based on my memory and I would greatly appreciate it if you were to give me the name.


Lord of Passion
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2017
I forgot to say Companion 2 has a little sister, my apologies. I pretty sure there isin’t incest based on my memory and I would greatly appreciate it if you were to give me the name.
Sorry, I actually went through a ton of games to find it this morning but I couldn't...