[R>Artist 2D] [R>Artist 3D] Share Looking for a graphic 2d or 3d for a new project


Nov 4, 2022
No name yet, a visual novel containing violence, slightly inspired by the Supernatural series. I am aiming for 8 to 12 episodes, each episode will tell a different "mission" and the main plot. If people like it, it can be stretched.

Just me, Patreon and Discord to create, as goes discord I have some experience.

Looking for:
Graphic designer 2d or 3d with the ability to create animations, I have no preference

Employment Type:
Revenue Share

Work commitment:
This project and if successful maybe more in the future.

Preferred method of contact:
Forum DM or Discord: Sababukin#1786

Job Description:
I need someone to create graphics, characters, so I can use them when creating a game in the Ren'Py engine
I leave free hand as to the execution, I want to tell the story and you have to show it ;)
However, I stipulate that the 4 characters appearing in the story are written out how they should look like.

Additional comments:
Zero pressure on my part, I am looking for a partner to create a game and not an employee. As I realize that there will be much more work on your side, if people support the project through some patron then the bigger part will be for you.
I will be open to suggestion if you would like to join in the creation of the story itself, and as I wrote above, I leave the execution of the graphics practically to you, you can even use ready-made assets.

ps. Our hero will be a badass, so sometimes he will beat someone and even kill him, so some graphics I will need will be required in two versions with and without censorship.
ps2. Feel free to ask questions.