[R>Artist 2D] Paid Looking for a graphic designer to help with a new project (logo)


Game Developer
Dec 26, 2018
- An Evening of Wonders (a short game that's going to be released on Steam before the end of the year)

- RobertDeadth

Looking for:
- A graphic designer

Employment Type:
- Paid

Work commitment:
- To start with, a one-off project, a logo for the game. If both parties are happy, we could cooperate in the future too for more graphic design work (capsule images for Steam, banners, etc.)

Preferred method of contact:
- here on the forum, or Discord (RobertDeadth#0533)

Job Description:
- A logo for my game that could be added to all of the promotional materials. The logo should be rather simple, readable and include the title ("An Evening of Wonders") and maybe some small graphical elements around it or in the letters themselves. I mostly want it to be readable and clean-looking. It should have a transparent background so that it can be added to the promotional materials, renders, etc.

Additional comments:
- I'd prefer to pay you using PayPal. I'm offering $100 for the logo. If you reach out, please include some examples of your work (preferably logos/banners) so that I can judge if our tastes are similar.

EDIT: I'm looking for someone with some experience in graphic design :)
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