[R>Artist 2D] [R>Artist 3D] Share Unpaid Looking for a leading artist for my first game


Jan 30, 2022
- Drakovnia, and RPG Maker MZ game based on the DnD Raveloft setting for flavor.
I'm a big fan of that setting and wish I could have done more with it in the days I still played DnD.
During Covid I've played a lot of games made with RPG Maker. Mostly they're NSFW :)
But with most of them I found them lacking a good story. Or with less eye for details. Just some average maps, etc etc.
Thought I could do better. So I started my own little project 2 years ago. Overhauled it several times and it's still in the beginning phase.
I know where I'm heading with the big picture.
I'm still implementing the basic mechanics I want in the game. When they're completed, only then I want to start writing the story in details.

I'm doing it all in my spare time, as a hobby.

Main thing to decide is the main character. Now, he's male. But could easily switch to female. It's open for debate.

- I'm a 45y Dutch guy.
My Patreon:
My discord: draegon2509

Looking for:
- I'm looking for a main artist. 2D or 3D doesn't really matter to me. I have some ideas about how the characters must look like. But the leading artist willing to get involved will have an almost free hand in what to do.
Also could use a story writer to develope a story from what's inside my head :)

Employment Type:
- Since it's a hobby project, there's no funding. With an artist onboard we could further launch Patreon and Subscribestar.
So at first, it'll be unpaid. But a oppurtunity for an artist to explore his/her creativity?
After demo launch with some art and Patreon/Subscribestart set-up. It'll be Revenue Share with the one who joins me on this journey.

Work commitment:
- For me it's still a hobby. Any spare time I have I put into developement. With the occasional pause.
There's no rush for the art yet. So whatever suits you in this early stage.

Preferred method of contact:
- Doesn't really matter to me at this point. Discord, Email, this forum, or at some point other ways. I'm flexible.

Job Description:
-Would love to get an artist onboard who can have an almost free hand for the character art. I'm open to anything, as long as we can set a standard. I have some idea of what I want
I'm trying to create a somewhat darker fantasy rpg, based on the DnD Ravenloft world. (As a setting) So a bit dark, horror. With humans, animals, some demi-humans perhaps. And undead. The main villain will be a Vampire. And anything goes. Ravenloft has some mechanics which I'll try to include. Fear, Horror, Madness checks, but also Power Checks. If the MC does something evil, it could demand such a check. Murder, Love, cheating, you name it. All is possible.

Additional comments:
- Feel free to ask me anything. I already found somebody who makes music for TTRPG Ravenloft games. So that's mostly taken care of for now. With already some nice tracks.
I've made an AI opening menu screen. To capture somewhat of the atmosphere.
For art reference, please lookup the old DnD Ravenloft. Clyde Caldwell has made some, and I love his style.
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May 12, 2018
i don't really understand what can a artist do when there is no story or any real plan.
because in the stage of prototyping ,every thing can be change so what is the point if the artist make any artwork.

and you may as well use ai to make a place holder , as you already using ai anyway.


Jan 30, 2022
i don't really understand what can a artist do when there is no story or any real plan.
because in the stage of prototyping ,every thing can be change so what is the point if the artist make any artwork.

and you may as well use ai to make a place holder , as you already using ai anyway.
True, I could use AI. Have tried using it, but I'm no artist. Can't get what I want out off AI using a image generator.

To have an artist from the beginning could help me decide which direction we go. What can and cannot be done. To explore the developement together.


May 12, 2018
if you need a art work to inspiration you that mean this game will go no where.
that is the job of the leader or director not from artist , well unless you asking the artist to lead.
and if you want to be inspiration by art , go online search for it.

your way of doing thing is too confuse, confuse destroy project.


Jan 30, 2022
if you need a art work to inspiration you that mean this game will go no where.
that is the job of the leader or director not from artist , well unless you asking the artist to lead.
and if you want to be inspiration by art , go online search for it.

your way of doing thing is too confuse, confuse destroy project.
Ah well, think of it as you like. For me, it could work. I have a main plot in mind but the road towards the ending is clouded by mist ;)


May 12, 2018
again your word is confuse , maybe just me but i think most people will feel the same.

you are lost and you want people to join you so you can find the road to the end?

i don't think many people will do that at all as most people are busy with them self already.

my advice for you is to make it clear about what is the game about and what the story about. because on one will join a ship that go no where. in the end no one can help you but your self.


Jan 30, 2022
again your word is confuse , maybe just me but i think most people will feel the same.

you are lost and you want people to join you so you can find the road to the end?

i don't think many people will do that at all as most people are busy with them self already.

my advice for you is to make it clear about what is the game about and what the story about. because on one will join a ship that go no where. in the end no one can help you but your self.
It was a word pun...

I'm glad others understand what I mean.

I'm not lost. It's a hobby project. But for it to raise from being only a hobby project and becoming something more, it needs art. When making dialogue, sprites on the map, etc etc etc.
And after having redone a couple of times the maps with other tilesets, it has taught me that altering this afterwards is a pain in the rear.
So I want the art to be consistant. And having an artist onboard from the start, with whom I can spar too, would be a blessing.

I also don't want to think of something that can't be implemented later on. So again, having an artist as a partner onboard for this project could help me bring to life the game I'm thinking of.

And instead of just commenting on my request for an artist, I don't see you offering any...on multiple posts....
So if you have nothing to add...please refrain from commenting. I've gotten multiple offers already from people in a short while. So clearly others do understand.


Jan 30, 2022
Is the position open
The short answer is yes. The long answer is that I have contact with a artist who did busts for characters already, but can't work for free yet. So only when i have the money i can order some art...

I'm also on holiday right now, but if you're interested, you can reach me by discord

With kind regard