Seeking Looking for a NTR game similar to Netoria Tactics Revolution


Oct 28, 2023
I recently played Netoria Tactics Revolution which i liked alot. Im wondering if anyone could recommend a game that is similar to it?

The things i liked about it the most (in order) / am looking for in another game, is that:
1. It features little explicit sex scenes (at least in the beginning) / focusing more on lewd scenes like groping & implied sex (censored somehow to the oblivious protagonist)
2. NTR is a central genre to the story, not just an optional encounter you can have with some characters (the protagonist is maybe (not nescesairly) a bit of a beta rather than alpha)
3. There is some sort of gameplay- loop & mechanics like e.g. lvling up & loot drops (not that it nescesairly has to be that or be an RPG even), rather than being purely story driven
4. The gameplay reflects / intertwines with the story, a bit (in tactics revolution for example there was a mechanic where if the girl character stands next to her teammates she buffs them but she would also get groped & the chance of her accepting advancements would increase, so you had to try and avoid it unless absoutely necessary, but the game would try to make it necessary)