Looking for a partner in crime - Corruption Horror RPG


New Member
Nov 20, 2020
Hey folks !

Long-time lurker here, after years of non-game dev work, I decided to go & start developing my own horror hgame here.
My favorite games on this site are heavily corruption focused, such as Defenestration & Third Crisis, or story focused
The game i'm starting is really inspired by old RPGs such as Baldur's Gate 2 & NWN, but also by some modern VN puzzle games like AI The Somnium File, in addition to a lot of cultural horror themes.
The engine is Godot, with capabilities/gameplay taking from RPGM but far more permissive (& replacing combat by puzzles & choices). Main code is in C#, but i'm open to add other languages.

I'm looking for a partner in crime, artist or dev, to collaborate with me on this project. AI helps a lot nowdays, but the fun is best shared.

Any interest ?
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