Identify Looking for a supernatural school setting game


May 31, 2018
edit #2: found it, it was Arisa Grimoire from kurasuke-so-ko (

edit: tl;dr cos im quite rambly:
- 2dcg, possibly japanese developer, rpgmaker or similar engine
- school setting with supernatural elements
- red or pink haired female protag
- combat
- map with school, male dorm, female dorm (see bold description below, possibly most detailed memory i have of the game)

Hi everyone,

I remember playing a game a while ago that ive forgotten the name of and cant find anymore with the information i have.

Here is what I remember:

It was a game possibly based of rpg maker or similar engine, the protagonist was female, red or pink hair. If i remember correctly it was one of the games where the main character sprite was taller than a single tile.

As mentioned above, it was a school setting, i think the most clear feature I remember about the map was that it had quite a large school, and when you exited it and went to the right, there was the male dorm (which you could not enter) and one more screen to the right had the female dorm with a dog sitting nearby the entrance.The dorm was two-storied, had multiple rooms of each of the female side characters, including the main character.

The game had supernatural/fantasy elements with I think multiple dimension doors scattered across the school and I think it had some sort of combat system. The story was quite long and i remember mostly skipping through it after some point because it was rather tedious to me, but it was interesting enough that i kind of want to play through it again.

The porn was pretty good, it had some corruption elements in there and very little ntr. One distinct scene i remember was MC slowly getting enamoured with a male char from the male dorm and the final sex scene of that began with MC being half naked and wearing a leash, walking with that male into the dorm room of the guy that had a crush on her, and the scene ending in a threesome with the two.

These are the clearest memories i have, i think there was also a prologue which was about another girl and not the mc, and later on there was a fat guy with a over the top suit or armor. Maybe multiple people had suits like that, i dont remember.

this is my best recollection of it, if anybody has an idea which game it could be (my memory is spotty so even if its not a perfect fit, please do tell) itd be much appreciated.

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May 30, 2022
Has it been deleted or what? There seems to be a major 2.0 update out there, so it would be nice to see it here in the future
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