Seeking Looking for a very specific type of game, providing wants and dislikes, as well as reviews for other games I have played to help.


New Member
Apr 4, 2024
I am looking to get some recommendations for some new games, but I am looking for some specific things, so I think the best way for me to break this down is to talk about my wants, likes, and dislikes followed up by the couple of games I have played and what I liked/disliked. I do not have a large reservoir of games to pull from in this category, so this shouldn’t be too long of a post, but I do plan on being as detailed as possible so that I can get the best recommendations that I can get. I have zero problems paying for any game, So, let’s get into it.

Wants (Highly important, very likely to not play a game without most or all of these)

• Hentai (Nudity, Sex Scenes)

• Anime Artwork (See Daily Life with my Succubus Boss, Kaiju Princess, The Arrogant Kaiju Princess and The Detective Servant, Kon’s Lesson, Lovey-Dovey Lockdown, and the Sakura Games)

• Interactive and Sex Management (How you have sex, what you put where. Arrogant Kaiju Princess and Succubus have the best implementations of this that I have seen so far, here are some photos to get an idea of what you could expect if you have not played these games.)

• Quests in the game.

Likes (Really would like to see these in the games I play, but are not required. Listed items with a * next to it is something that is at the top of the “Likes” list and is more important than the other items)

• Multiple interactive sex positions (Arrogant Princess Kaiju has the best version I have seen) *

• Anal sex *

• Uncensored *

• Choices that have an impact on the NPCs and/or your relationship with them

• Multiple Partners

• Explorable world

• Choices that have an impact on the world.

Considerations (Would not make a break my want to play a game, but would be cool)

• RPG like game (FF7, FF8, Sea of Stars)

• Longer game (most games are between 2-6 hours)

Dislikes (Do not want to see this at all, very likely to prevent me from playing the game)

• Non-Anime or Cartoon-like Appearance (House Party, AChat, Fake Lay, Lust Goddess, Monster Girl Island: Prologue, My Neighbor’s Lonely Wife, Quickie: Fantasy Adventure, Rise of Eros, and Soul Dossier)

• Click Simulators

• Predetermined outcomes

• Most sex scenes are predetermined and have no interaction or variability

• Cash-grab games, pay-to-win, or games that play themselves while idle.

• No story at all.

That is a pretty extensive list of what I am looking for. One final note, if it is available on Steam, that is preferred, but I am willing to check out games on other launchers or independent games. I would like to avoid web games, but if it is truly a great game, I will try it. I am iffy on free-to-play games too because they usually fall into games that are cash grabs or Pay-to-Win, but if they offer ONLY cosmetics that do not affect the game at all, I will check it out.

Now I will tell you about the handful of games I have played and what I liked/disliked about each of them. All ratings are specific to this genre of games and should not be compared to other games as a whole.

Lovey-Dovey Lockdown
Completed? No
Rating: 5/10

The game is kind of boring and the only thing that makes me want to continue is that I want to unlock all of the sex scenes. There is almost no interaction during the sex scenes except for how fast or slow you want to fuck her. The story is meaningless and is mostly a click simulator. The art style is the only redeeming quality and I do like that you need to manage the relationship, although there is a very limited number of ways you can manage it. As with most if not all games on this list, it is very repetitive, but not in a good way.

Daily Life with My Succubus Boss
Completed? Yes
Rating: 8/10

This game, if combined with the things I like from the next, would make almost the perfect h-game for me. The things I really liked about this game are that I had the option to pick dinner, buy items to improve stats, buy items to increase the quality of sex for NPCs and stamina for the PC, and you get to build a relationship with the main NPC and there is one extra person you kind of get to develop a relationship with, but nothing major. This game has one anal scene, but it is pre-animated, and couldn’t do it when I was in sex mode. The story was meh, but I don’t expect BG3-level storytelling from games like these.

The Arrogant Kaiju Princess
Completed? Yes
Rating: 8/10

This game had a lot of things that I liked. There was an interactive sex mode and was the only game I have played so far that had multiple positions that I could unlock that were usable in the sex mode. You had tasks to complete in a specific time frame that would unlock other female NPCs that you would get to have sex with. The only downsides of this are that they are a one-off interaction and it was pre-animated and I could not interact with them as I could the main NPC. I had to manage the princess’s attitude, make sure she was enjoying sex, conquer a planet, save the planet, and overall, this was the least click simulator game of all the ones I have tried with a lot of stuff to manage. It wasn’t overwhelming and was easy to figure out the formula for success, but it was engaging. If they make a sequel, I would like to see that you need to manage relationship status and sexual satisfaction with all characters as opposed to the main NPC. Overall, not a bad game and I can play it again.

Kaiju Princess
Completed? No
Rating: 6/10

This is the first game before The Arrogant Kaiju Princess and is not as good as the second one. I could tell from the get go that there are aspects of the game that are not finished or included although the story clearly states is should be in there. I will probably finish the game, but it is unpolished and is missing some functionality that was intended for the game as well as a sex system that is not as good as its sequel, I am very unlikely to play this game after beating it the first time.

Kon’s Lesson
Completed? No
Rating: 5/10

This is a game I only recently started, but it has a similar issue that I have with Lovey-Dovey Lockdown, and it shares a sex system that is only how fast or slow you thrust with no real interaction in the sex portion of the game. There is a bit more to the game vs LDL, but not much.
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Nov 4, 2020
I'm sure you've already heard of Karryn's Prison by now, it's pretty much the only game I can think of that meets most of your specifications
It's pretty solid if you don't mind a bit of work to get to specific scenes/dialogue


New Member
Apr 4, 2024
I'm sure you've already heard of Karryn's Prison by now, it's pretty much the only game I can think of that meets most of your specifications
It's pretty solid if you don't mind a bit of work to get to specific scenes/dialogue
I just heard of it today so I will check that out. Thanks for the suggestions, hopefully another game or two happens to pop up and will keep me entertained.