Seeking Looking for a VN with easy to get harem content like Grandma house or WVM


Sep 18, 2022
I'm looking for a game in which, if there are choices of options, they have very obvious choices (well, or mods that make it easier) to get content. In the games indicated in the title above, there are things that make me happy and I would like exactly the same format, or very similar:
- the game has a lot of roots with characters of various types and fetishes;
- these routes are activated by simply choosing the correct phrase when meeting a character for the first or second time in the spirit of 1-Come up and help a stranger, 2-She can handle it herself, I'm busy;
- in the game, the activation of the roots does not interfere with each other, or the influence is minimal.

As an additional condition, this is what I really squeeze out of you and is not mandatory: Ren'py engine and MC with a big dick. As for the plot, well, if it's good, but in the previously mentioned games, I would say that it's pretty light there, and made purely to show a lot of content.
(my english sucks, translator was used)
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