Looking for advice for implement a little balanced battle maths and leveling system


Active Member
Aug 25, 2017
Hi all, it happens that I am resuming a remake of simbro game
and I find that I must implement a leveling and combat system. Curiously, I'm not a fan of this kind of thing, but since I have the need to do it, I want to try to have something interesting and not frustrating for the players. so I'm looking here for a advice that I should take into account when making decisions, or improvements to my current system.

currently the player and npcs has the following stats:
health, stamina, muscle, flexibility, wits, beauty, charm, skill
(outside of combat it only stamina, beauty, charm and flexibility have relevance for trigger some events)
Indeed, there are a few stats which are only out of respect for the original game, so I try to keep them in my remake, so first of all I try to put all of them to use (although there might be some that I might be willing to remove)

my combat logic:
what empowered means? for each 2 or 3 points on a secondary stat, the main stat increase +1 on the calculations
other rules: out of stamina or health == defeated

baseDamage = 0
Main source = muscle
empowerded by = skill

baseDamage = 2
Main source= muscle.
empowered by = skill, wits

Defence(is a passive for the targets)
MainSource: flexibility
empowered By: wits
note: if atack is less than enemy defence, then only deal 1 point of damage, i dont let damage inmunity for physicall atacks.

Main source = charm
empowered by = beauty,skill

Seduce resist:
Main source = wits
empowered by = beauty,skill

sex combat i made it a bit broken it works as special atack where trigger a sex animation. where you can drain health and stamina to the target
how start it? you need use seduce on a enemy with the seduced atack, if seduciont is not resisted the target is marked.

sex health drain:
Main source = beauty
empowered by = muscle

sex health drain resist:
Main source = skill
empowered by = flex
if health drain resist is more than health drain, then you have health inmunity

sex stamina drain:
Main source = skill
empowered by = beauty,wits,flex

sex stamina drain resist:
Main source = skill
empowered by = wits
if stamina drain resist is more than health drain, then lose 1 point like physicall atacks.

other mechanics

taunt :
Main source = skill
empowered by = charm,muscle

taunt resist:
Main source = wits

Stamina consumption:
seduction = 2 points
powerAtack = 2 points
taunt = 1 points

- leveling system, dealt damage increase exp, receive damage decrease exp
when you reach x amount of exp, you Automatically lvl up (for now you need 100 points to lvl up)
hit gain +2 exp points, be hited loses -1 points.

At the moment it is what I have done, I don't know what you think, am I on the right track?

anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
so I'm looking here for a advice that I should take into account when making decisions, or improvements to my current system.
I wonder what advice can be gave since there's no words say on the effective mechanisms used.

You described the different possible moves, more or less their consequences, but not how you decide if the move succeed, fail or lead to a tie. Or perhaps do you mean that this:

Defence(is a passive for the targets)
MainSource: flexibility
empowered By: wits
note: if atack is less than enemy defence, then only deal 1 point of damage, i dont let damage inmunity for physicall atacks.

Main source = charm
empowered by = beauty,skill

Seduce resist:
Main source = wits
empowered by = beauty,skill
is the said mechanism.
In which case it's not broke that your mechanism is, but frozen, because each move will have the exact same consequences during the whole combat. And by consequences I mean that you'll always achieve to seduce your opponent, or always fail to do it. This simply because everything is based on stats that don't evolve during the combat.
The same applying for the physical attacks. Either they always pass and you deal 2 damages, or they always fail and you deal only 1 damage.

A basic sex combat system would turn around three stats:
Firstly the Endurance. The more move you do, the less endurance you have. When it reach 0 you need time to recover and can't act during this turn. The value is computed at the start of each combat, depending of the character's stats.
Then orgasm being both a mental reaction and a physiological one, two stats to describe it.
Lust, that represent the mental reaction. It increase each time the opponent attack arouse you, and decrease each time the opponent do something that you don't like. The higher the stat is, the lower will be you ability to defend against the attack ; this because the more you're in lust, the more you'll want to be sexually pleased.
Orgasm, that represent the physiological reaction. It's the most complex mechanism. The change will depend on the attack, but also on the Lust value. The higher will be the Lust, the less the character will care what is done, just seeking for the release at the end of the journey. Therefore the value will increase or decrease depending both on the move, the liking and on the Lust level.
As example, let's say that there's a rough anal assault attack. If it's your first move, whatever the character liking, it will hurt and decrease the Orgasm value. But it you achieved to raise the Lust, and did some ass play attack before this, and why not also some gentle anal attack, then the opponent will not care. It perhaps hurt a bit, but way less now that she'd been "prepared", and whatever if she usually don't like anal, she want this fucking orgasm, and she'll have it whatever she'll need to do for this.
Be noted that the Lust and Orgasm value change both when you attack and when you're attacked. It's obvious that fucking her ass will also arouse the MC and take him nearer to orgasm.

In the same time, both Endurance, Lust and Orgasm, play a role in the result of the attack. The lower is the Endurance, the less you've chance to succeed in your attack ; see this at not being able to maintain your erection by example. And the higher is the Lust and Orgasm, the less you've chance to defend yourself ; she don't want to be fucked in the ass, but well, it mean being fucked and this she want it so badly right now.
Side note: Endurance, Lust and Orgasm are a percentage, so their value goes from 0 to 100.

Then you add to this the liking definition, from 0 (hate) to 10 (crazy about it):
Oral (received): 10 - She really like being eaten out, whoever do it.
Oral (gave): 5 - She don't like to suck dicks, but well time to time to please her man.
Vaginal: 7 - She can't deny that she like it, but not with everyone.
Anal play: 3 - Well, even her agree to say that it's some time pleasant.
Anal sex: 0 - She totally don't like anal sex.
morality: 5 - She's not a saint, but neither is she a total slut.

Finally, you add a small touch of randomization, to ensure that it will never be frozen.

Then the attack can be resolved like this:
defense value = morality + ( 10 - liking ) - ( maximal Value ( Lust, Orgasm ) / 10 )
Attack value = Randomization 0-11 + ( Endurance / 10 )

The defense value can goes from 20 (highest morality, and lowest liking, with no Lust nor Orgasm advancement) to -9 ( lowest morality, highest liking, one more touch and she'll orgasm like crazy).
One average, the defense value will be around 10 at the start of the combat (average morality, average liking, no Lust nor Orgasm advancement), and be near to 0 when she'll be near to orgasm.

As for the attack, it will goes from 10 to 21 at the start of the combat (full endurance), and will goes from 0 to 11 when there's near to no more endurance.
So you've a small chance to sodomize a girl with the highest morality, who totally hate anal sex, and is still untouched for this combat. But it's a really small chance. And the 0 mean that, when you've near to no Endurance there's still a small risk of failure even when the girl is on all four, begging you to fuck her ; you can't get it hard, it happen.

Globally speaking, you'll have to start with small attack, they don't cost you much Endurance, and by raising either the Lust or Orgasm, it will increase the chance of success for the next moves. And you'll also have to know, or guess, her liking to use the most effective move ; the one that use the less Endurance while leading to the highest Lust/Orgasm increase.

After, it's all a question of balancing.
It's probably a good idea to have a natural regain of Endurance at the start of each turn. By example 1 unit. This ways the simple moves boob touching attack by example would be cost free. And also a natural decrease of the Lust and Orgasm, once again by 1 unit by example.
So, you touch her boob, what cost you 1 Endurance that you'll regain at the start of the next turn. It increase her Lust by 2, but her Lust will decrease by 1 at the start of the next turn.

Another good idea is probably to have decreasing effect for the attack, or a limit to their efficiency. If the girl is near to orgasm, touching her boob should have no effect, she want to be fucked hard, not to be gently carressed.
This would permit to avoid the "hey, the ass slapping attack cost me just 2 Endurance and raise her Lust by 5, let's do this during all the combat" situation.

Perhaps that the attack/defense part need to be a bit tweaked. It's raw thinking, a probability table would perhaps show that the chances of success are too low. But well, this is part of the balancing.
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Aug 6, 2020
Hi all, it happens that I am resuming a remake of simbro game
and I find that I must implement a leveling and combat system.
I might have some idea to share, but... unsure if I feel like writing a whole article on it: so just sharing some free speech.

My take on level system: they're narrow and linear.
If you manage a lot of "units", the level difference is a way to grasp their power at first glance.
This also mean you will have situation that are just unwinnable due to power level difference (consider giving the IA a 'surrender' option, like Heroes of Might &Magic saga did)

In case you want to offer more options (depends on confrontation outcome).
If you want the combat to just subdue antagonists, levels will help the player a lot, and make the combats quite predictable.

In other cases

I'm a big fan of skill-based systems: with smaller numbers and odd outcomes.
Each skill level is used as 1 single dice on roll, you can have skill sums (like: weapon-attack based on strength sums up melee and muscle stats)
This is the case of World of Darkness tabletop games.

A character having level 3 muscle and level 2 melee will throw 5 dices on his attempt to hit an enemy.
World of Darkness uses d10, with variable threshold for a win.
Assume the defending character has a defense rating of 7: every dice result that is 7 or more is converted into damage to stamina.

This system will make characters more specialized, effective at one or two approach in battle, vulnerable in other.
Also you can create any combination of "combat action" using:

all available stats (multiplied) all available skills (mutliplied) any passive stat to defend from the roll

can be combined with items too.

Keeping the damage as side effects

This one thing has been done in various systems, even Dragon Age game, but even the old Cyberpunk had something like this:
very powerful hits inflicts status that persist after combat and cripple characters.
Need more costly recover.
Will limit the player options for a while, and impose an economy of characters he doesn't want to lose.

More oddities

There are systems that implement "success at a cost" (like: if you need a success of value 10 to hit your opponent, but reach only 8 with random, its possible to spend 2 health or stamina to reach that goal and have it success).

Or there are systems that implement the "roll N dices keep M" where M < N :
these are used to give some sort of control on the roll result.

Can be useful in some situation where player might want to refrain the character from using its full potential (capture instead of kill), or if you link the roll output directly to a cost in stamina or similar.

Final word

Hope this gives you some perspective, most of the ideas are just unfeasible and presented very "out of a broader context" so they might sound just stupid.
And I spent zero words on balancing, because depends on the mileage you want to give to the game.
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Engaged Member
Jul 17, 2019
Honestly, given your limited time, I'd reconsider adding combat to a simbro game. Heed the cautionary example of Pytfall, which went bonkers about side-features and just died when the main coder vanished.

But if you're having fun designing this, go nuts. I second AON's recommendation to add randomisation to avoid staleness. And remember, a good combat system is something that can carry a game on its own. Making one is more art than science, and copying+tweaking a proven system is often better than trying to make your own. Especially when your ambitions are much bigger.
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Dec 22, 2017
As some have already mentioned, I would think about the reasons why you're adding a battle system.
It's very easy to get mired down in math and forgetting what the point of it all is.

I can't help much with the math, since I don't really think it's all that important to be honest. But maybe I could help by telling you what I did in my game...

In my game, whores can have sex with both customers and other whores. When it's with customers, it's strictly a skill check, because I want higher skilled whores to perform better in that situation. However, skill checks worked poorly for sex between whores because it's not really a matter of skill in that situation. Recreational sex is not a contest. It's for their pleasure and enjoyment.

Ironically, I devised a simple kind of "battle system" where each character take turns flinging "attacks" (pleasure) at one another until either one is "defeated" (orgasm). The receiver has "defense" (sensitivity) and the attacker does random damage modified by various bonuses from their strengths or their "victim's" weaknesses. Each character spends some amount of stamina each turn and when that's depleted, the encounter ends.

The idea was never to make this interactive. In fact, I didn't even show it to the player until I realized I could drive some simple animations with it for a fun effect. The point of this system was only to figure out who came and how many times, while having it be random, yet predictable. So when characters are horny or they're being fucked by a huge cock, they come faster and more often than when they're not.

I can cause different outcomes just by adjusting the parameters slightly. For instance if a whore is tired, I give her less stamina so she tires out faster and the encounter ends up feeling more realistic.

It worked out surprisingly well, but only as a fun little distraction you get to see once in a while. The player can skip it or turn it off if they don't care.

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Active Member
Aug 25, 2017
as you said, it can be very linear, so your opinions are good for me to complement ideas :)

thank you very much for your great contribution
I wonder what advice can be gave since there's no words say on the effective mechanisms used.

yes, my bad.

as you comment to avoid a draw scenario or simply where player can't break the enemy defenses, at least I guarantee dealt a point of damage.

i forget said healt and stamina works a bit diferent. so 1 point on one of these stat, mean 5 points amount on these stats.

all characters at the moment are initialized of this form:
muscle = 1 flex=1 char=1 ........
health = 10 stamina = 10, and 12 free points to distribute as player want (npc are totally randomized their distribution).

so if for example:

player [P] have: 5 points in all their stats (lets says stamina and heal only 20 points each)

so for example normal atack is basedmg + mainstat + empower (+1 point for each 2 of a seccondary stat)
( 0 + 5 + 2 ) total atack = 7
power atack (2 + 5 + 4 ) total = 11
if atack a enemy with 15 health and 6 flex and 5 of wits = (6 + 2 empower) = 8 total defence.

if do normal atack then 7 - 8 = -1. but since its dont have total inmunity, then deal 1 damage to their 15 healt points.
if do power atack then 11 - 8 = 3 damage to their 15 healt points.

very similar math to the sex atacks.
consecuences of lose a battle, player will lose money and reputation.
if win can get very little money and reputation (since main money source is prostitution).

at the moment trigger sex at battle dont provide buffs or debuffs. is more way to beat the challenge
without interrupting the fapeable content :D

when battle ends, player and party dont recover health or stamina, they need go to hospital or visit the bar (since it is a brothel management can make player decide take others companions to continue in battles)

Either they always pass and you deal 2 damages, or they always fail and you deal only 1 damage.
yep you are rigth, but no idea what i should do for improve it :(

A basic sex combat system would turn around three stats:

oh i notice it in a lot of rpgmaker games, and some other like Karryn`s Prison but i feel it makes battles too slow

but i really like the Lust level idea on battle for character demostrate if enjoy or are frustrated in the sex scene.

about the others like specific sex params i take note for furute projects :), for simbro cam become too complex to manage.

defense value = morality + ( 10 - liking ) - ( maximal Value ( Lust, Orgasm ) / 10 )
Attack value = Randomization 0-11 + ( Endurance / 10 )

i really like this kind of formula, i will try rethink mines for some similar. ty very much too for the explanation of endurace system. this gave me some new ideas.
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Active Member
Aug 25, 2017
I might have some idea to share, but... unsure if I feel like writing a whole article on it: so just sharing some free speech.

Don't worry, I'm the first one who tried to make this a light conversation, but it leads to denser topics hehe

If you manage a lot of "units", the level difference is a way to grasp their power at first glance.
at the moment battles are limited to 1 to 3 characters on each team. and enemy lvl spawn is about +- 2 lvls to the player
so if player lvl is 8, can find enemys from lvl range of 6 to 10.

In other cases This is the case of World of Darkness tabletop games.

I really don't know much about these topics, so I'm interested in reading your answers to understand more about the reasoning :)

i take note of your explanation

Keeping the damage as side effects
nice, i like this idea. at the moment the more similar i have now is the seduction state. when this state is inflict, the target can be raped in the next 2 turns.

More oddities
There are systems that implement "success at a cost" (like: if you need a success of value 10 to hit your opponent, but reach only 8 with random, its possible to spend 2 health or stamina to reach that goal and have it success).

i take note.

Final word

Hope this gives you some perspective, most of the ideas are just unfeasible and presented very "out of a broader context" so they might sound just stupid.
And I spent zero words on balancing, because depends on the mileage you want to give to the game.

Thank you very much, the truth is that these answers help me to broaden my vision of the combat system. what you say about the balance of the game is very correct, and as another fellow on the forum already answered me, it is better to wait until the main logic is finished, and then see how to balance it
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Active Member
Aug 25, 2017
Honestly, given your limited time, I'd reconsider adding combat to a simbro game. Heed the cautionary example of Pytfall, which went bonkers about side-features and just died when the main coder vanished.

But if you're having fun designing this, go nuts. I second AON's recommendation to add randomisation to avoid staleness. And remember, a good combat system is something that can carry a game on its own. Making one is more art than science, and copying+tweaking a proven system is often better than trying to make your own. Especially when your ambitions are much bigger.
well , i dont pretent make the ultimate battle system, but since i dont have access to code or logic of how it is maded, i am triying to figure how implement it. hehe. i just want provide some decent since the original game already has it :)
since it is for learning purpose, it comes in handy to understand how to plan and implement this type of logic

yeah i am triying to keep it simple, but i really enjoy think and code this stuff, i guess i am how these people who play sudoku.

As some have already mentioned, I would think about the reasons why you're adding a battle system.
It's very easy to get mired down in math and forgetting what the point of it all is.

I can't help much with the math, since I don't really think it's all that important to be honest. But maybe I could help by telling you what I did in my game...

In my game, whores can have sex with both customers and other whores. When it's with customers, it's strictly a skill check, because I want higher skilled whores to perform better in that situation. However, skill checks worked poorly for sex between whores because it's not really a matter of skill in that situation. Recreational sex is not a contest. It's for their pleasure and enjoyment.

Ironically, I devised a simple kind of "battle system" where each character take turns flinging "attacks" (pleasure) at one another until either one is "defeated" (orgasm). The receiver has "defense" (sensitivity) and the attacker does random damage modified by various bonuses from their strengths or their "victim's" weaknesses. Each character spends some amount of stamina each turn and when that's depleted, the encounter ends.

The idea was never to make this interactive. In fact, I didn't even show it to the player until I realized I could drive some simple animations with it for a fun effect. The point of this system was only to figure out who came and how many times, while having it be random, yet predictable. So when characters are horny or they're being fucked by a huge cock, they come faster and more often than when they're not.

I can cause different outcomes just by adjusting the parameters slightly. For instance if a whore is tired, I give her less stamina so she tires out faster and the encounter ends up feeling more realistic.

It worked out surprisingly well, but only as a fun little distraction you get to see once in a while. The player can skip it or turn it off if they don't care.

View attachment 1814899
ty for share this info. i was thinking do some similar to calculate the profits of the npc working in the brothel :)


Apr 26, 2022
Losing experience from taking damage is a terrible idea.

In most combat systems there are really three archetypes of characters: damage dealers, tanks, and healers/support. Your idea of making it so you lose exp from being hit completely removes the tank playstyle right away. It will always be best to just go full offence in such a system, or to perhaps have a throw-away character. That is a character you don't mind becoming weak to preserve your other good characters. This system also as the bizarre consequence that you're incentivized to use your favorite characters as little often as possible. It also limits your design options for encounters. You cannot make encounters with lots of small, weak enemies, because they will have the potential to drain a character to negative exp. I think you should reconsider this mechanic for your game.
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Engaged Member
Jul 17, 2019
While your point is a good one, "In most combat systems there are really three archetypes of characters: damage dealers, tanks, and healers/support." is such an MMO-centric take. A lot of traditional tabletop systems (and not only!) don't even have healer as a meaningful role in combat. And tanking is also not quite the same thing, because there's usually no concept of 'aggro'. Formations, recon-by-fire, meatshields, etc, yes. Classical 'tarpit' tanks, not really.
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Apr 26, 2022
Yes, it's a spectrum and not every character is full defense or full offense in most things, but the point still stands that this system makes it so that full offense and short battles with as few turns as possible is always preferable. I think that less diversity of strategies is bad.
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Engaged Member
Jul 17, 2019
Well, full offense and short combats are ideal in most systems, RL included. But, yeah, I don't dispute your point, it's a good one.

I do think something like 'damage dealer', 'frontline' (which may or may not include damage dealers), 'buffer' (incl. healers if applicable, since they are largely indistinguishable from a giant HP buff), 'crowd control' is a more general role division you could apply to most systems. Though not all, e.g. what is a hacker's role in a 'cyberpunk' combat system? He does pretty much everything and nothing from the above list, all at once.
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Aug 6, 2020
I do think something like 'damage dealer', 'frontline' (which may or may not include damage dealers), 'buffer' (incl. healers if applicable, since they are largely indistinguishable from a giant HP buff), 'crowd control' is a more general role division you could apply to most systems. Though not all, e.g. what is a hacker's role in a 'cyberpunk' combat system? He does pretty much everything and nothing from the above list, all at once.
That depends on the "single health type" method, means the confrontation is about draining the health bar.
Work very good with MMO because you have less data to exchange between clients and timing of actions pay a significant role.

Tabletop can offer much more in tactic, having a turn-based structure:

Can implement ways to avoid being hit using the environment (coverage, stances, actions that affect subsequent turns);
use damage types and temporary effects (magic, drugs, poison effects);
use different type of damages (recoverable during the fight, non recoverable, long-lasting);

Having a health and stamina system, there is a wide array of strategy that can be build upon.
did a great job with this method, there was no "mana" stats and spells consumed stamina, so you had to plan "rest" actions to recover, and plan the defense.

Survival games can add a lowering stat effect when health get low (simulating damage effect on character performance to add realism).

Confrontation might have different outcomes than just smashing down your opponent:
you might have options to scare and have them flee (adding 'willing to fight' or other objectives to enemies);
there can be a capturing system (Mordor 2 - Darkness Awakening had a neat system to sell captured monsters).
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Active Member
Aug 25, 2017
Losing experience from taking damage is a terrible idea.

In most combat systems there are really three archetypes of characters: damage dealers, tanks, and healers/support. Your idea of making it so you lose exp from being hit completely removes the tank playstyle right away. It will always be best to just go full offence in such a system, or to perhaps have a throw-away character. That is a character you don't mind becoming weak to preserve your other good characters. This system also as the bizarre consequence that you're incentivized to use your favorite characters as little often as possible. It also limits your design options for encounters. You cannot make encounters with lots of small, weak enemies, because they will have the potential to drain a character to negative exp. I think you should reconsider this mechanic for your game.
you are totally rigth, my system leaves low lvl/ tanky characters completely abandoned.

mmm i need rethink the leveling reward part.

While your point is a good one, "In most combat systems there are really three archetypes of characters: damage dealers, tanks, and healers/support." is such an MMO-centric take. A lot of traditional tabletop systems (and not only!) don't even have healer as a meaningful role in combat. And tanking is also not quite the same thing, because there's usually no concept of 'aggro'. Formations, recon-by-fire, meatshields, etc, yes. Classical 'tarpit' tanks, not really.

correct, it's more I think that in original simbro, the ability to heal is just one more card to use in a critical moment, and not a role itself

however, a tanky character with could be a role that withstands all the abuse so that the dps do not drop prematurely. then i need rethink too the agro skill. sinse actually a npc with high wits stat dont fall in the aggro trick easily.

Yes, it's a spectrum and not every character is full defense or full offense in most things, but the point still stands that this system makes it so that full offense and short battles with as few turns as possible is always preferable. I think that less diversity of strategies is bad.
It worries me too, that's why I try to mix as many statistics as possible in the equation, either by improving a little the combat capacity with what I call empower. but it's still a bad solution on my part.

but I want to keep the original approach, where I have to choose either combat or social skills (which are used in events of the main game)

Having a health and stamina system, there is a wide array of strategy that can be build upon.
did a great job with this method, there was no "mana" stats and spells consumed stamina, so you had to plan "rest" actions to recover, and plan the defense.

Survival games can add a lowering stat effect when health get low (simulating damage effect on character performance to add realism).

Confrontation might have different outcomes than just smashing down your opponent:
you might have options to scare and have them flee (adding 'willing to fight' or other objectives to enemies);
there can be a capturing system (Mordor 2 - Darkness Awakening had a neat system to sell captured monsters).
Well unfortunately I can't apply a system based on stamina, since in the original game it was put as a limited resource. both to access sex, work in the brothel and for combat. to force you to consciously use all of your companions. and this includes that being out of stamina, the character is defeated. (i did a vote pool for change it, but people vote for keep it XD )

maybe I could split the flexibility stat (which I currently have as a defense might stat) and at the same time include a chance to dodge the enemy hit.

I like the idea of adding a chance for the enemy to run away mid-combat. but since I am a sadist I would also apply for player party just imagine the prostitute you hired for work in your brothel gets in the middle of a fight and decides to leave you to your fate XD.
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Aug 6, 2020
Well unfortunately I can't apply a system based on stamina.

maybe I could split the flexibility stat (which I currently have as a defense might stat) and at the same time include a chance to dodge the enemy hit.

I like the idea of adding a chance for the enemy to run away mid-combat. but since I am a sadist I would also apply for player party just imagine the prostitute you hired for work in your brothel gets in the middle of a fight and decides to leave you to your fate XD.
This can be solved, yet again : without the general system, these suggestions might be not applicable.
Combat stats can be "a temporary value" used only in the confrontation, gets reset after the scene ends.
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Active Member
Aug 25, 2017
Another point that I would like to know how to plan well is the maximum level that can be aspired to. I don't want there to be the possibility of a character that can have all the stats to the maximum since I think it would lose a lot of interest to have a saitama(one punch man reference)