[R>Artist 3D] Share Looking for an artist for a medieval fantasy game. (0.1 Build ready) (Demo ready) (70% share for artist)


New Member
Jul 16, 2024
- Eredia is a fantasy game set in medieval times with many races including humans, orcs, elves, demons and so on. The player will have a choice on which path they'll want to go with both maledom and femdom being available with equal amount of detail in each path.

- I'm a writer and programmer with a couple of years of experience mainly in C++ and python.

Looking for:
- 3D artist to make the character art for the game.

Employment Type:
- Revenue share with the artist taking 70% and 30% for me.

Preferred method of contact:
- Discord: shadyepi

Job Description:
- You'll take charge of the art direction of the game while I work on the programming and writing side.

Additional comments:
- The 0.1 build of the game is ready, and a demo is ready as well to show the artist how the game will work mechanics wise and to show the GUI and start of the story.