[R>Artist 2D] [R>Writer] Looking For an Artist

Dec 30, 2018
- Condemned of Cordova Keep

The game is a Bleached themed pseudo RPG with a woman protagonist. The games main basic story is that the main character is a fantasy race woman who has been captured and brought to a deeply bigoted human kingdom after a major war. The main gameplay loop is about making money to upgrade the main characters stats and pay your rent to the POW housing complex you live in as you try to make your way in the world by progressing one of several job routes.

- Discord: Derpfestor#6034
-Email: hillistaylor@gmail.com

Looking for:
- 2D Artist and Writer

Employment Type:
- All proceeds generated by the game will be shared by the members of the team.

Work commitment:
- Long Term

Preferred method of contact:
- Discord, Messages, or Email

Job Description:
- I'm looking for a skilled 2d artist and a skilled writer to help me make this game.


New Member
Apr 22, 2020
Hi! The premise seem interesting enough, I could probably help with this. Already added you on Discord. My tag is: Sedboi#8027