Looking for an old hentai story


New Member
May 10, 2018
Hello everyone

I'm a long user of this site, long long hentai manga reader and anime viewer and I'm looking for an hentai manga that I couldn't find by my own. Here is what I remembre about it :

- It was published something like 4-5 years ago. Way before covid
- It has multiple chapters. I can't remember but it was a > 100 pages story
- In it, a male character buy a female character for slave
- The female character is qualified as "doll"
- The female character is forced to a blowjob and try to bite the male but her teeth is replaced by rubber ones.
- I remember a second female character qualified as an undestructible doll
- There was kinks about stomach deformation et dilatation but not sure about it.

I already checked many many books but couldn't find anything yet. Help would be really appreciated

Thanks a lot for reading and helping <3