Identify Looking for an old lost RPG maker game that had an interesting plot


New Member
Mar 4, 2018
This has been driving me crazy for the past couple of years, basically I played this game probably 10-15 years ago and it revolved around the male protag and his college finding a girl who was some form of rogue bio-weapon I believe? They plan to take her back to a city and sell her/cash in a bounty. However the longer you take the more the girls "berserk" meter fills up and you get a bad end if it hits 100% before reaching the city. As you go on the journey you end up building a bond with this girl despite her murderous nature.

However if you reach the city as it hits 100% you get a branching narrative path maybe? Anyway in this path it's revealed that the main character wasn't actually a man but was in fact a woman who due to trauma believed herself to be her brother. The brother sexually assaults her in the past and then he's killed/dies , the main character had an item (I believe it was her glasses) that obscured who she was and from here my memories fail me (the bio-weapon girl might be the main characters daughter or something of that nature).

One clue that's stuck in my head is the word Stigma or Stigmata. I think the title had one of these words in it and the bio-weapon girl had Stigmata on her hands.

It wasn't really a sexual game, it was more gory with adult themes (rape, sexual abuse, grooming) but I'm hoping that someone finds this familiar and I can finally end this search.