Identify looking for an older h-game but cant remember its name


Sep 27, 2017
For some reason while browsing what was on here and what i already had, i was reminded of an older h-game that i played a couple years back and had a hankering to play it again if its still around. This is what i remember about it, hopefully its enough. I remember playing it when i was 17-18 so i know its not too old but still given the evolution of adult games so to speak, i dont know.

1. The game definitely used multiple assets and visuals from different hentai titles and games.
2. The layout was kind of a city grid and you picked locations and there were different characters in said locations. The image that popped up in my head specifically was selecting the alley and there was a criminal? women that you pretty much dominate, i also vaguely remember her having a daughter at the same location.
3. This is a bit vague but im fairly certain, not 100% though, there was a progression system of some kind as i do remember there being a library location where you can get a specific character or a random character. I am also pretty sure there were multiple locations like this where there are random women that you can fuck apart from the location specific characters. For example, i do remember there being a cafe location as well.
4. i cant remember exactly whether you could play it on your browser or if you had to download the latest iteration. I do remember a site kind of like hhs+ is now where you could definitely download it.