Seeking Looking for bestiality and paranormal games


May 4, 2018
Hey everyone, i've been here for a while now and found lots of awesome games and dozens of them were to my liking and sometimes leads me to play them over and over. currently however i would love to look more into bestiality and paranormal type of games. does anyone have any good ones for me ?
i don't mind if they are in the direction of HTML based games (except rags) but hopefully not 80% of it is text based. thats straight boring. ( kinda like The Company for example )
If i have to take an example for paranormal games then it would be Horny As(s)ylum . that one was really awesome.
other than that i accept pretty much anything except Furry and gay stuff tho xD

i would be really thankful for all ur game recommendations :)


ps. if its not too hard it would be really nice to link me the games so that its easier to find the thread :)
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