[R>Writer] Looking for creative writer for VN game!


Game Developer
Dec 1, 2020
- N/A

- XephonDev

Looking for:
- Writer

Employment Type:
- To project

Preferred method of contact:
- Discord Blahkhan[PL]#8843

Job Description:
- Writing an adult story with multiple ends and choices. Brainstorming with me about chars, plot, envs.

Additional comments:
- Okay so. I'm XephonDev. I am involved in 3D graphics and programming. I am looking for someone who would like to make an AVN game along with me. I've never had any good plot ideas myself. I am a flexible person and rather non-confrontational and sincere. If you are willing, feel free to DM me for more details. About payment, I offer future Patreon in a 50%/50% ratio.


Feb 21, 2021
My introduction is to say... perhaps I need to create a Discord account. In the meantime, I would offer what assistance I might provide in writing and story development. I am a writer of more than 40 years, have created several short stories (nothing of consequence, unfortunately) and creating plots, storylines, and intrigue is a forte I apparently possess. (I am a storyteller at heart, probably from my many years with tabletop role-playing, on line RPG's, Beta-testing various games, and a penchant for the written form of the language).

If that interests you, I have several (well, I am told I can create a story from almost any random idea) plot seeds for short games, mid-length, and long-term projects. I would enjoy collaborating with a creative artist - I am still learning DAZ (though I have worked with Autocad for nearly 35 years, so the visual medium is not exactly foreign to me, just the crazy movement keys and scroll and zoom processes).

Let me know (I suppose private message here would be sufficient for now).



Feb 21, 2021
Hey, what languages do you speak? it could help me and other interested people.
English is my first language... though I can read several other languages (not fluently, mind you, but enough to know the gist of what is being said) and google is a good translator, though the nuances of languages are lost on a translator.. and hence, the need for a writer...