[R>Programmer] Paid Share Looking for experienced coder to work on an in-development title with talented artists and writers and a publisher lined up.


New Member
Mar 26, 2020
So about five or six months ago, I had built this prototype city building game that got some attention going around. I had always felt that this locus of simulation, interaction, and some sort of combat-oriented gameplay was perfect for hentai games, and saw a gap in the market.

Since then, I've managed to gather like minded individuals, a very talented artist and writer onto the project, and we've fleshed it out significantly since then. A large hentai game publisher also took an interest, and offered to support our development. Our thematic focus shifted toward a game about exploration and settlement, think something like a pornographic Anno or Civ game. Things were going pretty swimmingly, as we were working out concept art and fleshing out our prototypes to lead to a vertical slice.

Anyways, as development progressed I gradually figured that having another coder on the team might be a good idea. The publisher also suggested moving away from Unity, since unity took a significant cut of any sales over 100k. So I'm interested in reaching out to any programmers that might like the concept, although with the higher quality of work here I'll definitely be a tad more demanding in terms of qualifications.

In terms of compensation, we're at a stage where it can either be paid, but if you have the skills we're looking any amount I can pay you is probably meager compared to your day job, so you're probably more interested in a revenue split, or a mix of the two.


Experience in Unity, GME, Godot.
Have a portfolio of past work.
Interest in 4X game design.
Document your goddamn code.

Contact me either through DMs, or on discord, E-kon#6962

exploration2.jpg Lia Exploration.jpg

Seiko designs.jpg

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