Seeking Looking for female pov corruption games


New Member
Jun 5, 2017
I'm looking for any AVN (Renpy or HTML, no games that involve non-sexual grinding) where the Mc is a girl who starts out relatively innocent, but gets corrupted over the course of the game, based on the choices the player has he make. Also any where the female mc is taken by force, and it isn't just a bad end.
I'm also trying to find one particular avn, about a couple who moved to the big city, but only have a week to prove they can survive on their own, or the woman/mc will have to marry the looser her daddy wants her to marry. The boyfriend or fiance clearly has a cuck or sharing kink, but she is unaware of it at first, and is too naive to reqlise when she is being tricked. You also have to balance her love for him, her sluttiness, and how much money they have.

I already know about:
A Wife and Mother
Project Myriam
Jacki's World

And the female-protagonist tag search, but I'd love some help and suggestions



New Member
Jun 5, 2017
Thanks Goblin, this one was surprisingly good! I mostly made this to find avn for a friend of mine, because I couldn't remember the ones I played, but you managed to find one I hadn't actually played yet!