Seeking Looking for female protagonist, streamer-sim game


Jul 22, 2023
Hello fellows,

I was just watching an old lets play YouTube video of someone playing Streamer Life Simulator, and I thought about how cool it would be if there was an eroge like that, preferably with an anime art style, where you play as a female protagonist, with some nice corruption in there too. If one like this exists I would love to give it a shot. Doesn't have to be as in depth as the aforementioned game, but one with where it has a sort of slow descend into corruption would be cool. I've played other RPG maker eroge games where it had a sort of series of H-scenes that were basically becoming the object of a live stream, such as Magical Girl Celesphonia and Kozue's Strange Journey. But one that's more focused on streaming, showing up on camera, being slowly corrupted and possibly one that also lets you do stuff outside of the streaming stuff.

I guess ideally I'd like a game as big and as expansive and in depth as Celesphonia but more streamer girl focused, I realize a game like this probably doesn't exist, as it's tough criteria. But one even remotely similar would greatly interest me. Thank you all in advance


Jul 22, 2023
Thank you for your reply<3 I will check this one out, sorta seems like it might just be an animation viewer type game but it does look hot and the animations and art seem good, I think I've seen some r34 videos that may or may not be either from the game or made by the same person, if they are just the same as the videos I've seen it'd be a bit disappointing, but I still appreciate it!

Pretentious Goblin

Devoted Member
Nov 3, 2017
TLK is a RPG with a streaming minigame with some progression, but I would say it plays loose with the corruption. MC gets ass-raped at the start of the game and it's treated like a joke.


Jul 22, 2023
TLK is a RPG with a streaming minigame with some progression, but I would say it plays loose with the corruption. MC gets ass-raped at the start of the game and it's treated like a joke.
This does look sorta intriguing, at the very least it looks like a game I could finish quickly, and probably pretty small so I wouldn’t mind giving it a shot. But yeah, ultimately not what I’m looking for.

It’s possible the game I’m looking for just doesn’t exist, unfortunately. Which is a shame, I think an RPG with streaming as the main focus, possibly with side jobs all with their own H-scenes, as well as different outfits, side quests/stories, classic tropes like train scenes and such would be awesome. Possibly more so if it had a sort of survival aspect to it, like paying for rent and or food, and consequences if you don’t.

But like I said, I don’t necessarily need all that, something even remotely similar would be great. I don’t want to dissuade anyone else from commenting other suggestions that don’t have the aforementioned features!


Game Developer
Aug 29, 2023
The newest Flash Cycling features a lot of this, but the last time I checked, the game had game-breaking bugs, so it was unplayable.

Still, if it's ever fixed, that would be a very good fit as a game focused on exhibitionism and streaming - especially since it focuses on mobile streaming in public places, and it's not limited to a room setting/camwhoring.

There's also one called Wrecked, Wracked, or something like that, where you aren't necessarily streaming, but instead are in a Big Brother house, so everything you do is being streamed. That one is more focused on bimbofication, tho - NPCs will set traps and turn you into a bimbo which will result in a game over.

Secret Taboo also has some camwhore content, but it's not the main focus of the game, and it's a grindfest.

Wrecked and Secret Taboo use stolen porn, tho. Not anime.
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Jul 22, 2023
The newest Flash Cycling features a lot of this, but the last time I checked, the game had game-breaking bugs, so it was unplayable.

Still, if it's ever fixed, that would be a very good fit as a game focused on exhibitionism and streaming - especially since it focuses on mobile streaming in public places, and it's not limited to a room setting/camwhoring.

There's also one called Wrecked, Wracked, or something like that, where you aren't necessarily streaming, but instead are in a Big Brother house, so everything you do is being streamed. That one is more focused on bimbofication, tho - NPCs will set traps and turn you into a bimbo which will result in a game over.

Secret Taboo also has some camwhore content, but it's not the main focus of the game, and it's a grindfest.

Wrecked and Secret Taboo use stolen porn, tho. Not anime.
Thanks for all of the suggestions! I'm pretty interesting in all games with a female protagonist honestly, but I love the idea of the character just turning into a bitch and all kinds of gang bang, rape, non-con type stuff, as weird as that is. I really just loved Magical Girl Celesphonia and the freedom that game had, all of the different h-scenes you could do in all kinds of different scenarios. Truly the peak of RPG maker games in my opinion, one like that that focused on streaming would be amazing, earning money and being able to buy better equipment and other tools to help improve that would be cool. I wouldn't mind too much grinding, but at the same time, ya know. I'm not playing these games just cause I'm bored lol yk?


Game Developer
Aug 29, 2023
I really just loved Magical Girl Celesphonia and the freedom that game had
Ambrosia is similar to Celesphonia in terms of quality. Possibly the only other RPGM game that gets close.

I will list a few other RPGM games that come to mind, but none will be focused on streaming, just have some of the other aspects that you mentioned ("turning into a bitch and all kinds of gang bang, rape, non-con type stuff"):

There's one called Anthesis where a demon forces you to slowly turn into a slut, and it features a little bit of posting pics of yourself online.

Liz - The tower and grimoire features non-con with a naive MC; she's constantly taken advantage of due to doing dumb things.

Metal Edge Girl Blazer also features non-con and corruption. There's some scenes with :poop: tho.

Rodinka - Another dumb MC who gets abused due to her naivety. It's incomplete and gets small updates once or twice a year, but it has some good content already.

Third Crisis - The only non-Japanese one on the list. It's got a good story and different -yet good- art than the others. I think it's still unfinished, but it already offers many hours of content.


Jul 22, 2023
Ambrosia is similar to Celesphonia in terms of quality. Possibly the only other RPGM game that gets close.

I will list a few other RPGM games that come to mind, but none will be focused on streaming, just have some of the other aspects that you mentioned ("turning into a bitch and all kinds of gang bang, rape, non-con type stuff"):

There's one called Anthesis where a demon forces you to slowly turn into a slut, and it features a little bit of posting pics of yourself online.

Liz - The tower and grimoire features non-con with a naive MC; she's constantly taken advantage of due to doing dumb things.

Metal Edge Girl Blazer also features non-con and corruption. There's some scenes with :poop: tho.

Rodinka - Another dumb MC who gets abused due to her naivety. It's incomplete and gets small updates once or twice a year, but it has some good content already.

Third Crisis - The only non-Japanese one on the list. It's got a good story and different -yet good- art than the others. I think it's still unfinished, but it already offers many hours of content.
Thank you for these! I'm totally fine with non-streaming focused suggestions, it's just something that came to mind after watching a let's play YouYube video of Streaming Simulator. Honestly any game similar to Celesphonia is welcome, the writing and the amound of stuff you could do was just amazing, plus I love being able to have different outfits and such. Unfortunately, it my quest for games similar to Celesphonia I actually already played and beat both Ambrosia and Anthesis, which are both games made by the same person as Celesphonia. Both were very good, as it stands now though I wouldn't mind some games in a more modern setting. I do love a good fantasy setting as it opens up possibilities of monsters and other fantasy races, which I love. I like the shock value that comes with more modern settings. It just hits harder seeing the rape aftermath of someone in a dark alley in a modern setting versus a medieval fantasy setting, ya know? But still, if it is in a fantasy setting I'd love any suggestions. I'm not too picky about RPG maker or RPG esc games.

I also have Liz, but haven't played it quite yet, but your comment definitely puts it higher on my priority list, but I also have ADHD so I have hard time finishing games that I start lol I'll also check out the other two as well, Rodinka sounds interesting, and the one with poo scenes... it depends. I really like non-con and corruption, but if there's too many scenes like that then... I'll have to see.

I've also played Third Crisis, last time I played they added an alternate ending/route but it's been a while since I went back to it, so maybe they added more. Normally non-japanese games don't interest me, especially when they all use like awful reused 3D animations. But the art in that one was amazing, at least to me. Jenna was hot too lol