Identify Looking for Fox Space Captain series.


New Member
Apr 21, 2018
The series had 2 games. The first was a renpy style play pick your option/consequence style play. Depending on the order you chose to visit certain rooms of your ship gave you more options in encounters later. For instance: you could let the main character, a female anthro fox who owned the ship and was on a cargo delivery mission, sneak a tentacle creature's egg through customs only if you read the book on identifying tentacle creatures before the encounter. The second game was the same captain/ship owner after passing to the new area through the jump gate, but her ship took damage, and she has to acquire money through various means. It is a job/favor day management chloe18 style game. The title of the games, if i remember correctly is a phrase insinuating the cycle of repetiative hard work to get ahead.