Seeking Looking for game recommendations based on these games I enjoyed


New Member
Oct 21, 2019
Listed below are a few games that I continue to go back to for a few reasons or another. Here are a few things I look for in a game.

Good animations - granted not everything even has animations on this list but its a high priority.

Worth playing - Not grindy or wordy. My clicking finger shouldnt be more tired than my left Lets be honest why we are here.

Multiple interactions with a character - Some games just do a 1 and done with a character but I really enjoy when they give tons of different interactions with a characters to explore everything there is to see about them.

Length - A game that is going to last me a while. So many games seem to just get abandoned nowadays or take forever to complete so it would be nice to have something that is near completion already.


Witch Trainer
Chloe Fake Family
Big Brother
Sumertime Saga
Teaching Feeling
Babysitting Cream
Rick and Morty
Tangled Up
Nov 5, 2022
I have quite a few games on my list (signature), but the longer ones (Strive - ~6hrs for a run, LnC, ~40 hours, etc) don't have animations. I think you'd still like something like 1Room- no animations but really pretty art and definitely not a short game.
My Maid Dreams of Electric Sheep has amazing 3D animations- but if you're like me and can't stand anything unwholesome, what happens to one of the LIs I would check their dis for a cheat code to prevent that.. (i'm still traumatized)
MDRG also has great anims- no premade cgs but the sex is completely rigged and free which I love. Also headpats!
Forgot a lot of the others with animations, but they're usually a bit shorter..

And about the love interests and spending more time with a character rather than them just existing for a bit- ALL of the games I have are romance so you spend lots of time with them! : D