[R>Writer] Unpaid Looking for game writer/designer


Dec 2, 2019
-2D Roleplaying game set in a medieval / fantasy world with heavy adult themes. Using Love2D engine for game, and Daz Studio for 3D renders for adult content.

- Me, KinderAlpha

Looking for:
- Somebody with a interest in adult games, and has interest in sharing fetishes, plot lines, stories, and character ideas. Not looking for somebody trying to get rich of adult games, or who doesn't have the patience and understanding of how difficult it is to make a game.

Employment Type:
- Unpaid for now. The game is far from an official release, and I had no intentions of putting it behind a pay wall. Any profits on this game would be from kind donations. However! If you end up sticking around or keep in contact with me, I'd be more than happy to share the profits as this is not my full-time job.

Work commitment:
- No commitment. I'm not asking for exclusive rights, license, or any of your time. If you wanna share some ideas and bounce, I'm okay with that. Ideally I'd like someone to talk to on multiple occasions and collaborate plot lines and character arcs.

Preferred method of contact:
- Discord: kinderalpha#6818

Job Description:
- I need help with an adult game I'm working on. I don't have the creative inspiration to write or plan out a story of any caliber right now. I have most of the framework for my engine/game done, and I'm beginning the process of integrating story and character plots. This is where I need help. Your 'job' is merely to talk about adult games with me. I wanna hear what aspects of adult games you liked, plot lines that you find interesting or want to explore more. If you are somebody who has an overabundance of ideas growing in your head, eager to flesh out into a game but lack the necessary programming knowledge, this is the perfect opportunity.

Bonus! You don't even have to be a creative writer. I'm fairly experienced with creative writing. I just lack the big picture pretty much. So you don't even need to do the leg work of writing out a script and checking grammar!

Additional comments:
- If you've got this far, maybe I've caught your interest. All in all, I'm a really honest and straight forward person. If I see you're putting in effort, I may compensate you for your hard work. If you just wanna share some feedback or bounce some ideas out of the kindness of you heart - that works too. Anybody is welcome to message me and inquire more about this opportunity. Looking forward to meeting you!
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New Member
May 29, 2018
Hey Kinderalpha, I dont really know if I am the type of guy you are looking for, because I have zero experience in developing a game, but I have been playing adult games for several years now and always wanted to create one. Sadly my knowledge about IT isnt close to what it neets to be , to create a game on my own. I am still very Iinterested in being a writer or just a source of inspiration for you and your game. So msg me if you are interested in working with me.

Jethro Hatfield

Developer of the Valkyrion Project trilogy
Game Developer
Dec 2, 2017
Kinder, Message me and we can chat. JethroHatfield#3638 on discord.
Jul 14, 2018
I am also willing to ramble with you about games and the nature of what works and does not work in an adult game, especially as many of them seem to forget that "Game" is a huge part of it.


New Member
Game Developer
Jul 20, 2017
Hi Kinderalpha! Glad to meet you, I've been thinking to become an writer for a long time as many have told (even my girlfriend) me that if I were an erotic writer, it would be a best seller. I've lot of thoughts and ideas regarding the medieval sort. I would be happy to help you in your project. I gave you a friend request in discord (my discord id: R.One#2922)

Ad hominem 3

Dec 16, 2019
I have been a comic book writer for 5 years since amateur, underground market to professional exhibiting at comic con for 3 years in a row. I've played practically every legal game here. This is important to say, because if you think of illegal things as many adult games are, I'm not the right guy.

I have only two obstacles: I never do a game and I don't speak English well, I just write. So forget Discord, its old school typing.

Take advice from an experienced person: At some point think of profiting from it. Do a project on patreon, borrow money or sell the body, your choice. Look at this plisma: If certain developers make $ 7,000 in patreon delivering no crap you being honest with your audience will win something.

If interested send message.

medusa the mad

New Member
Sep 25, 2018
May seem a meek little thing, but I've been writing/developing a game that has over 240 hours of gameplay. Would be curious to know what kind of story you want. I more than willing to throw my 2 cents into the pot.