Identify Looking for game


New Member
Jan 18, 2020
I believe the game was made in RPGMaker. The story goes that the MC was driving away from home for vacation and stopped at a park (the location where the game takes place). After a driving cutscene the MC would be on a bench during the day, which is where the gameplay started. The objective was to go to nearby areas of the park (woods, beach, playground) and corner a girl to activate an H-scene. After completing the H-scene, the MC would spawn back at the bench and the time would shift to night with new girls to corner in the areas. The day and the night would have different girls to corner and cornering the same girl two days/nights in a row would progress their H-scene from simple touching to penetrative sex.

I last played the game a few years ago, maybe around 2019-2021. I do not know the creator's name nor the name of the game unfortunately, however I do know that their game was posted in a collection of multiple games under the same person, but I believe the entire post was later taken down.