uhh yea. There is one aunt, two cousins(?), eventually you’ll meet one of the younger girls’ friend and you can fuck her too. I believe there are one blonde girl, one timid brunette, the aunt is a brunette as well. The friend you meet has like dark/purplish hair. The boss you meet ends up being a brunette as well I’m pretty sure. I think she runs a tech company and you get hired because you know her only fans or something like that. The timid brunette doesn’t let you do anything with her until you workout in the gym to a certain extent, where she’ll slowly become more open to doing things. There’s parts of the game where you “hack” into your aunts computer and find her nudes. You sleep with each of the roommates rooms when you first get there I think. Sorry for being all over the place, I’m just trying to put down everything I remember!