Seeking Looking for games like Anthesis where player can win the game by different challenging ways


Active Member
Mar 1, 2022
Looking for games like Anthesis where player can win the game by different challenging ways (if player want it)

I won so much times that game by different ways (I made these challenges just for myself to test the gameplay):
0) simple standart way (using all events and jobs)
1) never touched by men and virgin way, and protagonist can't upgrade any skills at all
2) getting Depravity Points only from Pits (except first tutorial Selfie)
3) getting Depravity Points only from Selfies (except first tutorial Pit)
4) never working at all, but Magic Points can be sold to Witch to get money
5) abnormal virgin slut way

And I wanna to test these challenges
6) never get any Magic Points in the Bottle but buying MP from the Witch
7) never use bath and items
8) maximum fastest win (without Groppers exploit, because of Groppers I can win for one day but for crazy grind)

Sometimes I love Anthesis game more than Celesphonia (but still Celesphonia is my favorite game anyway)
but in Celesphonia there's not so much ways to won the game by different gameplay style :'(

But In Ambrosia (from that developer) I found two cool challenges for myself too:
0) simple way
1) virgin slut (and it showed right in two skills of the game if You save FC's virginity)
2) won the game for one day (3-5 days because of cutscenes and events where protagonist should to sleep/skip the day)

PS I'm not looking for games where we can won only by choice virgin/non virgin but I need more challenges for myself (and it still is possible to win the game)
PPS I'm sorry for my bad english grammar ^_^'
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