Seeking Looking for games primarily featuring petrification


New Member
Mar 23, 2021
Hi, first time actually posting on the forums.

I'm looking for any recommendations on games that have petrification (or some kinds of state change/transformations) as the main focus, or at least some emphasis on it. Something like , Fairia vs. the Status Change Dungeon, Odyssey of Gianna or the shorty priest game (or Yuri Katame pin-geon) from KuroCat.

I prefer 2D games if possible, but it doesn't have to be an RPGMaker game (or similar). Thanks for any input!


New Member
May 16, 2022
game by @NBAT2 on X ( quite 3d model), or by えする on Pixiv. Actually you can find a few ASFR game in Pixiv as well.


Nov 7, 2020
Sand's Grey Cell Incomplete, but probably exactly what you are looking for. Basically a 100% Petrification Metroid-Vania. Currently on ver 0.44
Incomplete and on hiatus, but still worth mention because it was an excellent start. Heavily inspired by Abyss Cave's battle system and contains Bad Ends similar to Odyssey of Gianna with full art, along with the in combat capture states. Not 100% Petrification like Abyss Cave though, its more varied.
Twilight Scramble Complete. Each of the main dungeons have a theme, with one of them being a petrification dungeon (Gold, Chocolate, Stone, Ice and more over the course of the adventure), overall though it is more focused on Vore / Absorption. If you can deal with that, it was an excellent 9 hour+ quality RPG.

Slime Hunter Nina Complete. Mix of Slime / Petrification. Standard RPG, similar to Fairia I suppose.
Basically a demo only at this time. Megaman style game focused on Petrification. No Translation available and very early game. Personally didn't enjoy as much as Sand's Grey Cell but worth mention.
Petrification II Complete. Standard RPG. Full Voice and plot focused... with no English Translation. I was able to brute force through the game sorta having an idea what was going on. Not under recommended section due to some Guro bits and lack of English.
Folie Quest Complete. Has some petrification focus and more state change stuff similar to Fairia. Standard RPG.

Pandemonium Classic - Unity Edition - Complete. I suppose it has petrification, but this is more of a FPS TF game. As you have Odyssey of Gianna here, I will mention it as it matches the variety. Has a complicated setup (due to being EXTREMELY customizable), but worth the effort. Things like being turned into a statue / doll for example.

Hope this helps o7
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