Seeking Looking for games where you can see girls' stats


Jun 28, 2017
Hi folks

Im looking for games where you can see stats from women/girls.
I prefer male protagonist games where you have some freedom. I don't like to stick to a scenario

With stats I mean something like a menu or a phone where you can see:
-relationship level
-(optional boob size)
- ...

games I already played: everything from NLT games, lab rats 2.

This is probably very specific but it's worth trying

thanks in advance


Active Member
Apr 9, 2021
Holiday Island A small part of the game is finding/collecting the girls stats. I recommend the Companion Mod as well as this mod so that you can have all the girls on the island at once.

HuniePop is another game where you figure out/collect girls stats. Candy Crush type gameplay.
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