Seeking Looking for games with assertive DIY male MC's


Aug 29, 2017
Can someone recommend adult games where the MC is a competent male, the characters in the game are NOT insulting the MC or berating him EVER! The dialogue does not have forced and/or awkward humor (such as the Developer halting the story merely to interject some unwanted side comment or bad joke). The MC has ACTUAL TRUE ASSERTIVE CONFIDENCE. (An MC who says something harsh or sarcastic, only to do what other characters tell him to do, that is NOT assertive nor is it confidence!)

I.E. I'm tired of MC's whose dialogue shows self doubt, unwillingness to make a decisions, as well as being pouty. (Such as the following MC diagolouge I'm always seeing..."I don't know", "Maybe", "I guess", "could be", "what do you think". "we are doing this, oh you want to do that, I guess we're doing that then".

I want to play a game where the MC is NOT a drooling pervert, is NOT putting women on pedestals (or the opposite for that matter), a game where if the MC doesn't know something they will research it themselves, NOT go to someone else for answers. (side note for anyone prepared to make a sarcastic comment here, I have researched and tried 150+ games (possible exageration) on this site, with only a hand ful of good experiences. Which is why I'm looking for suggestions.

As an example of a game scenario I'm tired of, I tried the, "Being a Dik" game last week because the character models looked expertly done, though the dialogue in the trailer had me concerned. I started the game and immediately was presented with some unwanted attempt at humor from the Developer that was entirely, "oh woe-is-me, everything in my world sucks, har har, wink, enjoy the game". Followed soon by a constant scene after scene of character after character being either a complete a$$ hole to the MC or teasing a$$ holishness. When it was another guy being an a$$hole to the MC, there was the mildly confident dialogue choice. But when a girl was a teasing a$$hole to the MC. Suddenly it was, like OH NO! God forbid we say something to make her sad. But, sure, let her treat the MC like a dog. Also instead of the MC being confident when it truly matters, the same old cliche happens, tail between the legs or a moment of lashing out followed by the MC running away from the problem.

I have played a couple good games from this site, where the MC's attitude is assertive and more natural, girls and guys in game treated with respect in the dialogue. But I've come across so few like those, that I can't recall their names. And I think those games were cancelled for some reason.

Oh and to be clear, none of that NTR stuff, to each their own, but to me that's just repulsive.

I did not intend to be so complicated with this, but for the love of sanity! I don't understand the mindset of the majority of devs that have games on this site. Lastly my intent was not to insult devs or the people who enjoy the type of games that I don't. My only intention was to summaries the type of games I'm hoping to have recommended, while also pointing out the things, "cliches" that I REALLY cannot stand in adult games.
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