Seeking Looking for games with CG 'game over rape'

May 5, 2021
Hi everyone. I am looking for games that have CG game over rape scenes. Doesn't matter if it is 3D or 2D or pixel art, male or female protagonist, straight or gay, the genre of the game (though I like side scrollers); as long as it has game over rape content, it is a worthy recomendation. It is worth noting the difference between defeat animations (like an enemy defeating the character and raping them still on "gameplay") and GOR CGs (that are... well, game over screens, animated or not).

If it has multiple GOR scenes (level or enemy-specific), even better.

Some games to use as example of what I mean:
- Alien Quest: Eve
- Parasite in City
- Metal Flame
- Guilty Force
- Eroico


New Member
Jan 11, 2022
You could give Tales of Androgyny a try. You play as an androgynous male, and partake in rpg/turn based combat. But if you lose an encounter, you get raped, sometimes the rape results in a more permanent game-over.