Seeking Looking for games with more mature/aged women


Mar 14, 2019
Specifically I'm looking for women with visible signs of aging. Meaning some wrinkles, crow's feet, stretch marks, greying hair, visible veins, sagging breasts, and so on. Wouldn't need to include all of those features but those are just a general idea of what I'm looking for. Even open to GILF characters though I'd prefer it if they weren't full-blown old women.

Would also like to note that either 2D or 3D games are fine. Have no preference in this search and I'm a fan of both styles anyways.

A couple examples off the top of my head would be the woman from The Wish and a couple of the women in Personal Trainer. The characters' names are escaping me atm but one look should hopefully give you an idea of what I want. Think the first reference might be closest to what I mean. Yes, I do have a preference for more curvy MILF-like characters but in this search I'm just looking for visibly mature women in general, not just stacked babes (for once lol)

This request comes from growing just a little tired of seeing pristine 'MILFs' that look like they're barely into their thirties. And I've been wondering if there are any games that feature more matured women in them.

Any suggestions/recommendations are welcome!
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