Seeking Looking for great VN's


Sep 24, 2017
Recently I have been playing/reading some vn's and gotten really into it, I hope you guys can help me make a list of awesome vn's to play in the future.
My preferences go out to vn's that are not suuuper dramatic and strong protagonists. I make exceptions for truly must-play games.
A small list of vn's I have already played and recommend:

-Baldr Sky. Very good story and plot, kinda dramatic but it fits the setting. Involves combat.
-Devil on a G-string. Good story, very smart protagonist, ending kinda sucked.
-Nanairo reincarnation. Very lighthearted overall, funny, good story.
-Fruit of grisaia. Decent story, strong protagonist, some routes were really good while others lacked imo.
-Sharin no kuni. Decent story, strong protagonist, funny.
Apr 18, 2019
and . Still have to read

For a japanese visual novel it's surprisingly compatible with western viewing habits. Personally I'm not a big fan of japanese visual novels or japanese media in general, but this one is great. Also I don't know any visual novels that aren't from japan or japanised. So I can't recommend more, except adult visual novels. But that wasn't your question, right?
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