Seeking Looking for hentais/doujins with mom/son, sister/brother or dad/daughter, where one of them (or both) don't know they are having sex with a relative


Oct 27, 2022
Hi, this request is kinda specific, and I don't think that there's a specific tag for it.
Usually one of them is using a mask or the girl is using make up, a new hair cut etc...
I searched mainly masked face, blindfold and gender bend, but there's not a specific tag for a girl's makeover or "disguise".
Full censorship usually isn't my cup of tea.

This are some examples I've found:

Female: Masked Face
[Yuniosi] Soul Desuyo 3
[Neromashin] Houjou no Reizoku Elf
[Otochichi] Mamadoll
[Otochichi] Cooking Fucka
[Otochichi] Family Nymphomania
[Gonza] Matching Application

Female: Makeover
[Mocco] I Ran Into Her for My First Sexual Service
[Kotoyoshi Yumisuke] Juicy Fruits

Thank you


New Member
Nov 3, 2022
The 4th chapter of this has exactly what you're looking for, here's the code for nhentai 480595